Children with ADHD. 2022 Best

The aim of  this DB, you will create a self-monitoring tool for two (different) children with ADHD. Discussion: ADHD, Physical Disabilities, OHI Paper details: This DB has two components: create a self-monitoring tool and discuss adaptive P.E. And, replies to peers. As you reply to your peers

Children with ADHD.

Discussion: ADHD, Physical Disabilities, OHI Paper details: This DB has two components: create a self-monitoring tool and discuss adaptive P.E. And, replies to peers. As you reply to your peers, First, give feedback on the self-monitoring plans students have written, and ask any questions. Second, give feedback on ideas presented about adaptive P.E. Our text presents a strategy of assisting children with ADHD to learn to regulate their behaviors, as a means of developing positive decision-making skills. Over time, those skills will grow and a child’s success in school accelerates.

Children with ADHD.

The text distinguishes between performance goals and on-task behaviors as it relates to a child’s performance at school: goals help a child to be more productive throughout their day, whereas only thinking about ‘staying on-task’, has short-term effects. In essence, self-monitoring can lead to better choices that, in turn, result in more time on-task. One way to do this is for teachers to create a tangible, self-monitoring tool. Our text shows an example in Figure 11.2. 1. For this DB, you will create a self-monitoring tool (complete with all the components from Fig. 11.2) for two (different) children with ADHD.

Children with ADHD.

You may use the form in the book, filling in your own information (name, target behavior, etc.) as a template or create your own. The book further discusses auditory and tactile prompts, it will be up to you if you want to consider and include either one of these in your plans. To do this, identify two behaviors students with ADHD would benefit from regulating (these are not “on-task” behaviors like pay attention or read for 5 minutes). You will need to read the section from chapter 11 titled, Teaching and Learning, in the self-monitoring section (pages 365-366) to understand parameters for completing.

Children with ADHD.

You will write two plans, for two different children, do not use ‘following directions’ as targeted behavior as it is in the sample in the book. 2. Considering the physical disabilities discussed in the chapter, what adaptations might help students participate in a P.E. class. Please discuss at least two different disabilities and adaptations, providing grade level for each one. What would be important for you, as a teacher, to successfully facilitate P.E. classes for students with and without a disability?

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