China’s shrinkage population 2022 Best
This paper explores China’s shrinkage population affect the US economy. Paper details: It is English Essay research in MLA style. It must be seven pages long—Times new roman 12. You’ll need to use reliable sources if you don’t mind.
China’s shrinkage population
Paper details: It is English Essay research in MLA style. It must be seven pages long—Times new roman 12. You’ll need to use reliable sources if you don’t mind. Cited, but more paraphrasis, Most include one opinion article (dedicated) that could be from the New York times. Please use vocabulary that is not technical and easy to understand. If you consider it necessary, you could change the thesis and outline. I’ve included for you a recommended outline of the essay. In conclusion, there is a background about China’s shrinking population and economic interdependency between China and the USA.
China’s shrinkage population
Thesis: Since the economic relationship between the United States and China is interdependent, the shrinkage in China’s population will affect the US economy in three key areas: trade, the US debt, and the dollar’s value. I Trade. Shrinking population (background, causes), Goods Importation, Goods exportation, opportunities for US. 1) Reduced young person population. • Due to China’s policy of only one child, older people are increasing, the imbalance between males and females, few young people, the falling birth rate • Few young people work at China’s factories. • Will not be able to meet the world demands for medical, technology, electronic, and other items need it.
China’s shrinkage population
2) Importation . Exportation • Due USA trade with China over time affects economic sectors causing closing and losing jobs (Background) Current financial situation of the Us, which export, import • Disruption of supply chains. Why is it not a good idea to depend on one country to import goods? Depending on China’s interest in the field such as medicine and technology. Example during Covid-19. Companies run out of medical PPE, such as face mascara, gloves, gowns, and buddies. Example Ukraine. 3) (opportunities) the US will have to look for other countries to trade with. Should open US factories and produce own goods.
China’s shrinkage population
Is this an opportunity to open domestic manufacturing in the USA? • Increase e-commerce. Examples are Amazon, Apple, and Walmart. The opportunity is increasing in the Us • Use other countries to trade goods, such as Mexico and India. Mexico, because it is a neighboring country, reduces the cost of exporting. India’s population is growing, offering cheap labor • Opinion article. About with is the best path for the US to II debt of Us. 1) Us debt will be decreased • Impact on the stock market and actual state because they are driven by speculative funds inflows in China • Goods prices will rise in the US.
China’s shrinkage population
United States debts grant the safest and most reliable heaven for Chinese forex reserves, which implies that China gives loans to the US so that the United States can carry on buying the commodities China • China will lack the ability to loan to the United States by purchasing the United States’ debt. 2) China’s debt will increase • Lowering the potential Gross Domestic Product level and slowing down the potential GDP growth. • buying United States treasuries. It is deemed that purchasing the United States treasuries builds China’s money, creditworthiness, and supply. III value of the dollar. Economic inflation rate. Market Stock decreased.
China’s shrinkage population
Ability of China to purchase the US dollar would place the United States at an economic disadvantage. • inflation of products such as gas, food, clothing, etc. • If China or any other country having a trade surplus with the United States reduces or stops purchasing the United States treasuries, it will affect the dollar • the United States does not directly depend on China, and neither does China rely now on the United States • How does it affect the Us economy (positive or negative).
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