Comic in Moonshot. 2022 Best
This paper explores comic in Moonshot. Paper instructions: 1. Introductory Section must include • an introduction and summary of the critical text (Oluo or Cole) • an introduction and brief summary of the comic/zine (Your Black Friend or comic in Moonshot)
Comic in Moonshot.
Paper instructions: 1. Introductory Section must include • an introduction and summary of the critical text (Oluo or Cole) • an introduction and brief summary of the comic/zine (Your Black Friend or comic in Moonshot) • detailed identification and explanation (in your own words with direct reference to the text) of the concept you will use to analyze the comic or zine • a thesis that focuses on the application of the critical concept to a close reading of the zine/comic • at least two strategically chosen direct quotations, fully integrated and including parenthetical citations Introductory Section Notes: • Do not assume your readers have any knowledge of this class or any of our course readings.
Comic in Moonshot.
Summary should introduce the author and title of the text, and provide a brief overview of the overall text. • The explanation of the concept should be primarily in your own words but also integrate specific quotations from and references to the text where the concept is used and / or directly or indirectly explained. Your explanation should demonstrate your own demonstrate your own heightened. understanding of the concept. The point / purpose of this explanation is to establish a base understanding of the concept that you will then use to analyze the comic/zine.
Comic in Moonshot.
Make sure you cite your references and direct quotations using page numbers (for Cole, use paragraph number). • Your thesis must center around what can be learned by applying a concept from the critical text to the comic or zine, OR how the comic or zine can illuminate important aspects of the critical text. Your thesis / claim must address what of consequence is revealed by reading an excerpt from YBFor Moonshot through a concept from the critical text. ll. Analysis Section must include • application of the critical concept in a rich analysis of the visual and rhetorical elements of the comic/zine.
Comic in Moonshot.
PIE paragraph structure for analysis paragraphs • at least two strategically chosen direct quotations, fully integrated and including parenthetical citations (consider using blended quotes here for more precision and specificity) • at least two paragraphs of analysis. The main goal of this section is to use the critical concept as a lens for interpreting the comic/zine. For example, how might Oluo’s chapter on microaggressions be used to critically read / analyze an excerpt from Your Black Friend? Or, how can Cole’s argument about representation shed light on a selection from Moonshot? How can Cole be used to interpret a selection from Moonshot?
Comic in Moonshot.
Your evidence, then, will come from the close, detailed analysis of your target text through the lens of your critical text / concept. • This analysis should consider the genre and visual and rhetorical choices made in the comic/zine. Visual choices include use of color, of panels, captions and dialog; use of page layout and placement; use of foreground and background in panel images; kind or style of drawing and figures, etc. Rhetorical choices include tone and how the audience is addressed, language and vocabulary, organization of the story / examples, use of humor, etc.
Comic in Moonshot.
Remember, however, that this analysis is guided by the concept from the critical text. Your consideration of these elements should be through the lens of the concept. • Include specific reference to image, dialogue, panel as you develop your analysis and illustrate your claims. Make sure you cite these references using page numbers (for Cole, use paragraph number). – Reference, through direct quotes, the critical text / concept in your analysis. Make sure your quotations are cited.
Comic in Moonshot.
Your essay must include at least two paragraphs of analysis. Analysis paragraphs should be organized following PIE (point, illustration, explanation). III. Concluding Section should bring everything together restate and highlight your thesis–the overall point/purpose of your analysis Concluding Section Notes: Concluding sections should not include new information. However, you must do more than simply repeat your thesis and what you’ve just shared. This is a time to emphasize the significance of the concept and your findings.
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