Community Case Study 2022 Best

The following prompt will be used to guide the development of the Community Case Study: You are a mental health professional in your local community and have been for the last five years. In that time, you have noted that there are unmet needs for your clients.

Community Case Study

Community Case Study, Part 4 Assignment Instructions Overview Writing is a critical element in doctoral-level work. Understanding not only how to articulate content in a scholarly voice, but also how to organize, synthesize, integrate and format writing is necessary. This assignment will occur in a step-wise process, with the submission of four parts. In Part 1, students will deliver a basic structure with appropriate page breaks, headings, and general APA structure (current Professional Paper version). In Part 2, students will deliver in the same format (with any noted corrections from Part 1), a list of references.

Community Case Study

Students will also include in this submission samples of in-text and parenthetical citation format for each reference. Students need to be sure they have reviewed the APA manual and structured accordingly. In Part 3, students will deliver in the same format (with any noted corrections from the previous submissions) the developed, cited and supported, discussion associated for each of the identified headings. In Part 4, students will deliver the final submission (in the same format, with any noted corrections from the previous submissions), which includes the addition of the development of a coalition or program and advocacy initiative (to correspond to the need identified in the previous paper), as well as a discussion of challenges and barriers to those.

Community Case Study

The following prompt will be used to guide the development of the Community Case Study: You are a mental health professional in your local community and have been for the last five years. In that time, you have noted that there are unmet needs for your clients. These are not needs that your agency can address but could be addressed by joining of resources across the community. You believe that if those needs were addressed, your client population would not only benefit from the practical implementation of the resource, but would likely thrive and be able to have a more fully functioning life experience.

Community Case Study

This assignment focuses on the conceptualization of the “case” which is greater than one client; rather, the case is the need in the community which can support a client population. You can use a population identified in the Sue et al. text or the June and Black text. You can also consider other populations, examples of which include homeless, veterans, teenage parents, autistic children, addiction, incarcerated mothers, and multiple others. Part 4 Instructions Students will submit the same template from the first three steps in writing their Community Case Study, with any needed corrections from instructor feedback.

Community Case Study

This template will need to be developed in current APA Professional Paper format and should include the following additions: Adding to your existing exploration of the population and need, develop either a Coalition or Program and Advocacy Initiative that corresponds to the community population identified in the title, references and abstract from the first two submissions. Challenges and Barriers to the coalition/program and advocacy program need to be identified. Be sure to include Biblical integration throughout the paper. The paper should be a total of 9-11 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract, or reference section.

Community Case Study

Program or Coalition (Name your program or Coalition. Describe services/staff/operations [program]/who is involved, who are stakeholders, when/where/how often meet, what will focus be [coalition]) · Advocacy Program (Identify ways in which your program and coalition can increase community awareness, participate in advocacy efforts [locally, state-wide, nationally]) · Challenges and Barriers to Services (what does the literature tell you about barriers and challenges, how will the program or coalition address those?)

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