Community- Liberal Studies

 Community-liberal studies

In this assignment, you will explore your own memories of the community that you grew up in and how this has shaped your perspective. Then, you will explore the community you plan to teach in. For example, if you were born and raised in the Southwest part of Bakersfield but want to teach for the Bakersfield City School District, you may begin to teach at a school site on the East side. Therefore, since our focus is on community this unit, it is only fitting that you travel and gain insight into this new community. On the other hand, if you were born and raised in a certain area and you plan to remain teaching in this same area, still explore the neighborhoods and contemplate how it has changed or stayed the same.

If you have not yet thought about where you might want to teach, this is the time to start exploring different school district websites and choose a possible location.Complete all sections of the prompt and number your responses in order to correspond with the task list below. Part one: Describe the community you grew up in. What are the demographics of your elementary school ?.Was it monocultural or multicultural?. What did your neighborhood look like? How do you think your community has shaped your view of the world, your identity and your values? Part two: Now, after you have completed the first half of the paper, I want you to travel to the community you might be teaching in.

Further Guidelines

Drive, walk around, or use Google Maps Street View (for those of you who want to move to another area that is too far to travel to right now) to observe some of the surrounding neighborhoods within the school district you are thinking of working for in the future.How is this similar to the community you grew up in? How is it different? Or, if it is the same community you grew up in, how has it changed or stayed the same? What were your reactions and feelings while you were exploring this area?. Consequently what made you feel comfortable and/or uncomfortable? What are some potential biases based on these similarities and differences that you can recognize within yourself while doing this project?.

How can you work to suspend these assumptions and work to understand this new community from the perspective of your students? Why is it important to think about the community you grew up in as well as explore the community of your possible future students? What insights did you gain from completing this project? i currently lived in Bakersfield but whatever works best I’m fine.

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