Comparative Analysis essay. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a comparative analysis essay.  This assignment asks you to take two poems, by different authors, from different units on our syllabus, and put them in conversation with one another.

Comparative Analysis essay.

Assignment guidelines: 7-8 pages MLA formatting: Double spaced, 12 pt. TR, bibliography, etc. Now that we are beginning to feel more comfortable with argumentation, we will expand our scope to consider two objects of study at the same time. This assignment asks you to take two poems, by different authors, from different units on our syllabus, and put them in conversation with one another. The end result will share many features of the “Analytic Argument” essay, induding the importance of a nuanced, complex thesis and a clear argument.

Comparative Analysis essay.

You will discuss something that is happening across both poems, but the specific topic is up to you. you want help brainstorming topics/ guiding questions, please meet with me in office hours. You may choose a poem that is not on our syllabus, but you should run it by me first. Again, your writing process will likely be divided into two phases, the exploratory phase and the writing phase. Choose one text, and come up with a driving question. Then, introduce the second text and consider what changes. How does this new object of study complicate, answer, or extend the first text’s question.

Comparative Analysis essay.

Close reading is the most useful way to arrive at your driving question. This technique will keep you grounded in specifics and steer you away from large general questions (“What is the meaning of life”). Ask yourself why these two texts in particular speak to each other Your goal is to persuade your reader that reading the two texts together generates insights that we could not access by reading each text separately. There are two main models for a structuring a comparative analysis. The first is the lens essay.

Comparative Analysis essay.

The lens essay stricture has a primary object of study (say, Much Ado About Nothing) and a secondary text (The Taming of the Shrew) that illuminates it. The “lens” in the metaphor is not a magnifying glass, but more like a window pane. The window pane has its own features that may distort, obscure, or increase focus on whether you are looking at through It. To apply this to our example: how do you think about the Much Ado differently after having read Shrew?

Comparative Analysis essay.

What changes, jumps out to you, or seems different about one text in light of the other. What does Shrew demonstrate about the Much Ado? This approach does not give the two texts equal weight, but uses one in service of analyzing the other. The second approach is paradigmatic (maybe you’re focusing “obedience” in Much Ado and Shrew). After explicitly noting the ways in which 2 plays treat obedience in different ways, you

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