comparing a film and its book version. 2022 Best
The assignment entails comparing a film and its book version. Paper instructions: Paper needs to be 3 1/2 pages or 4 double spaced. It’s comparing the book to the movie and the instructions will show that there are many choices to pick for the topic.
Comparing a film and its book version.
Paper instructions: Paper needs to be 3 1/2 pages or 4 double spaced. It’s comparing the book to the movie and the instructions will show that there are many choices to pick for the topic. Need someone to write it that has seen the movie AND read the book. Needs to be written as a college freshman and not over the top with big words. Here are the instructions: The Book Vs. The Movie Using one of the films listed below compare a film and its respective book version.
Compare how the author plants visuals in your head and how the filmmaker interprets the visual given by the author. Use specific parts of the film and the book as your examples.
Comparing a film and its book version.
Lastly, in your opinion, what works better, the book or the film narrative in the film you have chosen? Did the film makers accomplish the visuals that the author conveys? Double spaced, three full pages minimum, 10 or 12 pt size done, Times New Roman or Cambria font, 1 inch on all sides. Word doc or PDF file. Due at class time Tuesday October 18th 6pm via e-mail. The Godfather (Author: M Puzo) (Directed by Francis Ford Coppola) Dracula (Author: B Stoker) (1992 version directed by Francis Ford Coppola) Carrie (Author: S King) (1976 version directed by Brian DePalma) T he Bible (First 22 chapters of Genesis) (1966 version Directed by John Huston)
Comparing a film and its book version.
Romeo and Juliet (Author: W Shakespeare) (1968 version Directed by Franco Zefferelli) From Russia With Love (Author: I Fleming) (Directed by Terence Young) Catching Fire (Author: S Collins) (Directed by Francis Lawerence) Twilight (Author: S Meyer) (Directed by Catherine Hardwicke) The Three Musketeers & The Four Musketeers (Author: A Dumas) (1973-74 Version Directed by Richard Lester) A Bridge Too Far (Author: C Ryan) (Directed by Richard Attenborough).
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