Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN 2023 Best

NUR 3275 – Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN AGE SPAN ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES. At the completion of this assignment the student will be able to: 1. Utilize therapeutic communication techniques when collecting data across the age span.

Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN

NUR 3275 – Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN AGE SPAN ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES. At the completion of this assignment the student will be able to: 1. Utilize therapeutic communication techniques when collecting data across the age span. 2. Conduct a health history with clients across the age span 3. Conduct a spiritual, cultural, or psychosocial assessment using a specific tool or instrument with an adult client. 4. Identify health risk factors for each age group. 5. Identify primary prevention strategies to address the health risk factors 6. Use specific instruments/tools to gather data across the age span 7.

Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN

Use the collected data to identify individual and/or family learning needs. ASSIGNMENT To complete this assignment the student will independently arrange to interview two clients across the age span using the age parameters below. The clients are not to be a member of your family. The clients should be individuals living in a home setting. The data will be entered into the provided template. You are to use APA format. Tools and Interpretation: Tools/instruments/questionnaires are required for each of the Age Span Assessments. You are to submit the completed tool(s) with your assignment.

Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN

When entering information about the tool and interpretation into the template cite the reference (APA), write a brief description of the tool, the methods to interpret the tool, and your interpretation of the results from the individual you interviewed. The age parameter for the assignment is as follows: A. Older Adult over 65 years. II. For age span interviews of the older adult, the following data is required: A. Biographical data, Present Health-Illness Status, Past History, B. Psychosocial History (As in template for older adult, occupation, education, etc.) C. Focused Interview: includes all areas identified in the grading rubric and use the template given and add follow-up questions as appropriate.

Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN

1. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat, 2. Respiratory system, 3. Breast and Axillae, 4. Cardiac system, 5. Peripheral Vascular System, 6. Abdomen, 7. Musculoskeletal System, 8. Neurologic system, 9. Urinary system, 10. Reproductive function, 11. Sexuality (Think about risks that relate to age, behavior etc) D. Risk Factors specific to the client and to the age. E. Primary Prevention strategies to address risks. F. Tools and Interpretation of data G. References, APA, style. Older Adult Assessment Tools (Submit 2 tools below) Access the MINI Mental State Exam from

Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN

Administer the questionnaire and interpret the results. Submit completed tool and the interpretation of results with your paper. Access Use the Geriatric depression scale to assess your client. Interpret the results. Submit the completed tool and include interpretation of results. Submit all materials with your paper. B. Older Adult Grading is as follows 1. Part I- Biographical Data, Present Health-Illness Status, Past History- 10 points.

Comprehensive Health Assessment for RN

2. Focused Interview a. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat 55 points b. Respiratory system c. Breast and Axillae a. Cardiac system b. Peripheral Vascular System c. Abdomen d. Musculoskeletal System e. Neurologic system f. Urinary system g. Reproductive function h. Sexuality 3. Risk factors and Prevention 10 points 4. Tools and Interpretation of data 10 points 5. Psychosocial, spiritual and cultural Assessment- 5 points 6. Learning Need(s) 5 points 7. References, APA format, Style 5 points.

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