Conflict and negotiation 2022 Best
This paper explores conflict and negotiation. Instructions: You will be applying the concepts you learned in the background materials regarding conflict and negotiation to a situation from your own personal experiences.
Conflict and negotiation.
You will be applying the concepts you learned in the background materials regarding conflict and negotiation to a situation from your own personal experiences. Carefully review the background materials regarding types of conflict, causes of conflict, negotiation stages, and conflict management styles. It is important to first understand these comments from the background readings before starting this assignment. Once you have thoroughly reviewed the background materials, think of a situation in the workplace where a conflict erupted and management had to intervene and some type of negotiation was involved.
Conflict and negotiation.
Then write a three page paper addressing the following four questions, and make sure to cite at least one of the required background readings for each of your four answers : 1. Was this conflict functional or dysfunctional? 2. What was the cause of the conflict? Use the terms from the background materials in your answer—for example, was the conflict a result of interpersonal issues, a specific task involved, due to inter-organizational issues, etc.
Conflict and negotiation.
3. Of the five approaches to conflict management outlined in Shearouse (2011) or Bauer and Erdogan (2011), which approach most closely describes the approach used by management to resolve this conflict? 4. Did the negotiations involve integrative or distributive bargaining? What stages of negotiation did management go through, and did these stages match the five stages discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2011)? Assignment Expectations • assignments are to be prepared in Microsoft Word and should be 3 pages in length, in addition to a cover page and a reference list.
Conflict and negotiation.
The paper should be double-spaced, using 12 pt. type in the Times New Roman font. It should consist of a 2- or 3-sentence introduction, a body, and a 2- or 3-sentence conclusion and use cover page. The reference list page must be in APA format. • Assignment content should include a brief introduction to the assignment, background information about the organization being studied, and discussion in terms of the concepts or theories being applied in the assignment. • Use headings and subheadings to improve presentation values.
Conflict and negotiation.
Include both a References page and in-text citations. Attention is to be given to citing sources of information in-text as well as in the References page at the end of the paper. Citation and reference style instructions are available at , • Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.
Conflict and negotiation.
References Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W., & Luthans, B. C. (2015). Chapter 9: Stress and conflict. Organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, pp. 258-264. Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2012) Chapter 10: Conflict and negotiations. Organizational Behavior. Flatworld Knowledge. Shearouse, S. H. (2011). Chapter 5: How we respond: Approaches to conflict. Conflict 101: A manager’s guide to resolving problems so everyone can get back to work. New York: AMACOM.
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