CQR Report- Annotated Bibliography

 CQR-Annotated Bibliography

Assignment: Use the CQR report you have been reading and the articles they cite as a starting point for your research, to help you further narrow your topic and answer the questions you want to explore. When completed, you must have at least 10 sources in your Annotated Bibliography before you begin writing the Research essay. However, for Part 1, we will begin with 4-6 sources from the CQR report. First, read two additional articles related to your issue from the “Next Step” or the “Articles” section of the bibliography in the CQR report. These articles should show you more sides of the issue and give more context for your argument. Take notes on each article, just as you did for the Analysis essay. Then write a bibliographic entry, following the examples shown in the Annotated Bibliography module, and in the OWL MLA Guide.

You should now have at least four entries in your bibliography: the CQR report itself (as you listed it for the Summary essay), the article you analyzed (from the Analysis essay), and these two additional articles.  Next, write a brief annotation for each of the four entries (essentially a paragraph size analysis of 50-100 words – see Annotations, below, and the Evaluative Annotation examples in the module). These will be the first four entries of your Annotated Bibliography.  You may add two more articles to your annotated bibliography from the Footnotes and/or the Bibliography section of the CQR. To read an article, click the “tiny URL” link in the CQR report, which allows you to see the full text of the article, either on the web or as a PDF.

Further Guidelines

These links are in blue, and available in the PDF version of the report that I have posted on Canvas. Annotations: Begin each entry with a MLA bibliographic citation for the source . See examples in the Annotated Bibliography module and in the in the OWL MLA slide presentation, slides 30-41). List all your sources alphabetically by the first word in the citation, which is usually the last name of the author. DO NOT simply copy and paste the entry form the CQR bibliography without reformatting the information. Because CQR uses APA format, your entries need to be in MLA format. Then add your annotation, essentially a paragraph sized rhetorical analysis of the source. Consider the following questions in your annotations:

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