Policy Proposal – Criminal Justice 3Strikes Law
Criminal Justice-policy proposal
Paper details Paper is on 3 strikes law Final Paper Students will then compile a finalized paper consisting of the components described above; incorporate all feedback into the final paper. Students will also present their proposals to the College community in the poster format at Senior Expo. Formatting Requirements: All paper submissions should follow APA formatting, including the use of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Heading in order to earn credit, all students must submit work on time and as assigned. All assignments must be submitted via Blackboard in Microsoft Word format (no PDFs, no Pages).As you are putting together your final papers, keep in mind that you cannot simply copy and paste all of your submissions thus far together and submit as a paper.
Further Description
You need to think about what you are trying to prove (your policy) and what information the reader needs to buy into your policy. You should build up to the policy proposal in a logical fashion and provide plenty of research to back up why current policies are insufficient and why your policy is better. Consequently you need to double space and follow ALL APA paper formatting guidelines – check the student writer’s manual for details. Remember, all paraphrasing needs citations and stats should be cited like direct quotes.
Use headings and subheadings – again see writer’s manual. All of the research in your prior work should be incorporated into the various parts of this paper. Format of Paper Title Page – please follow APA format. Do not start numbering pages until the actual text Do not write “RUNNING TITLE”. Abstract2 one 150-200 word paragraphs summary of policy analysis paper. Table of Contents Include a list of tables and appendices. Body of Paper – this is the 15-20 pages Works Cited Appendices
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