Criminology and criminal justice 2023 Best

The aim of this paper is to identify a clear research question that is relevant to criminology and criminal justice, and provide initial ideas about how to approach answering the research question.

Criminology and criminal justice

Module 1 Assignment Students will write a brief (approximately 1 page) topic identification paper. In this paper, students will identify a clear research question that they would like to propose studying. It will be important to keep in mind that any identified question must be able to be studied using empirical methods. This means that terms in your research question need to be able to be measured and identified, something we often refer to as operationalization (turning abstract concepts into measurable observations). Students will then specify why they chose the topic and research question, how it is relevant to criminology and criminal justice, and initial ideas about how to approach answering the research question.

Criminology and criminal justice

This will likely include pitfalls they may want to avoid, difficulties that may arise, and the possible research design they may use later in the course. Step 1: Write Specify the topic, why you chose it, and your research question. Include the following: · What is the topic you are studying? · What is your research question? · How is this related to criminology and criminal justice? o Why is it important? · How do you think you’ll approach answering this research question? o What are you thinking in terms of a research design? · Do you have preliminary thoughts about how to measure your constructs?

Criminology and criminal justice

What might be challenges? Step 2: Format Your topic selection assignment should have a clear title at the top center. Your document should be double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. For this assignment I am okay with you using headers or bullet points to answer the relevant questions, if that is a more helpful format for you. Step 3: Proofread & Submit Proofread your essay or assignment for spelling, grammar, APA, and content. Consider reading it aloud to yourself to more easily identify errors. Use the rubric below as a guideline. Topic Identification Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts Completion 20 pts Proficient Assignment fully addresses all required subjects in the instructions.

Criminology and criminal justice

10 pts Competent One or two required questions went unanswered, or multiple were not fully addressed 0 pts No Credit Two or more required questions were missing or most of the content was not fully addressed. 20 pts Relevance 10 pts Proficient Topic chosen is relevant, appropriate to the course, and sufficient in scope. 5 pts Competent Topic is somewhat inappropriate to the course, AND/OR is somewhat too wide or too narrow in scope. 0 pts No Credit Topic is not relevant or appropriate to the course AND/OR is extremely wide or extremely narrow in scope. 10 pts Analysis 10 pts Proficient Paper demonstrates clear, logical thinking, supported by evidence.

Criminology and criminal justice

5 pts Competent One or two places in the paper were unclear or not based in logic and evidence. 0 pts No Credit Three or more places in the paper were unclear or not based in logic and evidence. 10 pts Mechanics 5 pts Proficient Conventional, correct language mechanics were used, with no more than two mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 3 pts Competent Three to five language mechanical errors were made. 0 pts No Credit Six or more language mechanical errors were made.

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