Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay. 2022 Best

Writing Assignment 2 HLTH 104 Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay. Overview: For your final assignment this quarter is to write a one to two-page essay explaining what you think your grade should be in this class.

Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay.

Writing Assignment 2 HLTH 104 Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay. Overview: For your final assignment this quarter is to write a one to two-page essay explaining what you think your grade should be in this class. Be thorough, use the skills you have learned this quarter. Give reasons to support your conclusion. Remember how your course grade is earned by referring to the syllabus and grading rubric. As before, the content will be graded using the thinking map on page 60 of your green book. Utilize logic in your reasoning. A cover page and sources cited do not count as gradable pages.

Do not add extra space between your paragraphs. Graphics used in your paper will not count towards your total number of pages.

Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay.

Use spell check in Word to check your spelling and grammar. It is a good idea to ask someone to read your paper and make suggestions. Do not use contractions such as: I’m, don’t, can’t, haven’t. Instead write out the words: I am, do not, cannot, have not. Tips: · The argument must utilize sound reasoning and solid evidence by presenting facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, quoting resources if necessary, and avoiding logical fallacies. The Thinking Map on page 60 of the Green Book will be the standard approach for evaluating the persuasive essay. · The goal is to show factual evidence to support your conclusion.

Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay.

Do not use logical fallacies in your argument, especially appeals to emotion. Arguing that you should get an A+ when you presently have a C- because you “worked so hard” or that “I learned so much” is fallacious because it has nothing to do with how you are assessed in this course. You must provide proof for your assertions. This is a warning; I see a lot of this type of appeal, and it will cost points. · Do use resources like the syllabus, your texts, the Canvas webpage, external resources, and instructor feedback. There are others, so be creative! · Do use demonstrations of your knowledge in the paper.

This is an easy way to show that you have actually acquired knowledge instead of just asserting it without factual evidence (which will earn no points).

Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay.

Do use honesty in your argument. This is not mandatory, but it will make things a lot easier for you. I do not appreciate dishonest arguments. If you do decide to go this route, then it had better be skillfully done. Remember, this is a persuasive essay. · Start your draft by writing out your conclusion first, and then list your reasons to support your conclusion. Then go down the thinking map on page 60 to flesh out your essay. Do not plagiarize. This will result in no points and an academic dishonesty report will be submitted to the college.

Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay.

Please review what plagiarism is at: [] and at [] · A reference page in MLA format is required along with in-text or parenthetical citation(s) for your list of references. Go to [] for the MLA standards. · Submit the assignment on Canvas. You will submit it as an attachment in a Word document file.

Critical Inquiry Final Persuasive Essay.

List your name, date, HLTH 104 on a cover page, separate from the main content. If you need help contact the Writing Center (GWH 150) [] Your assignment will be graded using the rubric below. WRITING ASSIGNMENT GRADING RUBRIC 1. Produce at least 1, but no more than 2 full pages of material for your argument in a Microsoft Word document. = 6.67 2. Write a coherent argument according to the standards explained above. = 11.67 3.

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