Current ongoing management challenge 2022 Best
This assignment entails examining current ongoing management challenge or problem. You are expected to offer your ideas to the challenge or problem by using relevant theories, concepts, logical arguments and trustworthy empirical evidences, and discuss the implications of your ideas.
Current ongoing management challenge
Current ongoing management challenge or problem 2. Individual Assignment (15%) In this individual written assignment, You will identify and investigate a currently ongoing management challenge or problem that you are curious and passionate about. Creatively and comprehensively apply knowledge from this course, and provide a plausible account of what (happened, description), why (it happened, i.e., analysis), and how (the situation can be improved, i.e., action plans).
Current ongoing management challenge
You are expected to offer your ideas to the challenge or problem by using relevant theories, concepts, logical arguments and trustworthy empirical evidences, and discuss the implications of your ideas. Your question should arise from observations of management phenomena or your reading of management articles that get you puzzled. Here is an example: Many organizations use flexible work hours to support employees these days, but many employees report that the practice is useless or even backfire them. Why? How can organizations improve the usefulness of flexible work hours?
Current ongoing management challenge
Your paper should be no more than 2000 words (excluding cover page, references, and appendices), single-spaced with a font of 12-point Times New Roman, one inch margin. It will be graded based on insightfulness and persuasiveness of the ideas (15%), conciseness and clarity of the writing (7%), and relevance to the module (3%). You are encouraged to use tables, figures, and mind mappings to make your writings more organized and richer.
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