Bicycle and Cycling Infrastructure

Cycling and Bicycle Infrastructure

Introduction The aim to reduce carbon emission has been extensively discussed in recent times. Though, the primary reason for this can be the excessive emission of carbon in recent times. Several strategies and practices are opt-out by different governments and authorities to curb carbon emission. Also improve the overall traveling infrastructure to make way for fewer carbon-emitting vehicles and options. This paper focuses on the association of bicycle infrastructure and reduction in carbon emission. This paper will also discuss other practices. That are gaining pace as an alternative to traditional vehicles that emit huge carbon and other industries. The y  implement best practices  in various regions to control carbon emission.

Whereas they prepare other practices  for implementation. However, among several practices, promoting bicycle usage is one step to mitigate the negative impact and reduce carbon emission. People always praise cycling  for its ability to offer easy commute in short. Or medium distance without producing any externalities (Zahabi et al., 2016). It does not require fuel to operate, does not emit carbon, and is easy to maintain. Considering its multiple benefits over the traditional approach of transportation. Which can be useful for long distances but arein use for both short and medium distances as well. The focus is shifting towards promoting cycling. Learning from established strategies Various European nations have already been enjoying the cycling boom with significant benefits, such as the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark.

Further Description

While cycling is in use in other nations also, it remains a marginal mode of transportation in these regions such as Canada and the USA. Using cycling as a priority mode for short and medium transportation purposes is likely the most sustainable and beneficial transportation approach that can be adopted by individuals across the world to reduce carbon emissions. Other alternatives such as electric cars are also environmentally friendly approaches that can mitigate the negatives from traditional vehicles. Benefits Cycling is usually promoted as an alternative to the low carbon approach for travel. However, depending on the individual, the level of reduction in the carbon footprint can vary. Since a cycle does not use the fuel in the same sense as a bus or car hence, it does not produce carbon to the level produced by bus or car.

Further, there are several health benefits of cycling, and the use of these as a mode of transportation wherever possible makes the planet better and safer for all in addition to the individuals involved in using cycling. Several individuals have already opted for cycling as a mode of commute to ensure their share of contribution to carbon emission reduction. The global temperature is rising, and if they do nothing  when we have time. The rise in temperature can go up by 3 degrees Celsius. Which means a catastrophe for everyone living on this planet. Even though almost all governments emphasize the use of cycling to reduce carbon emission, not everyone is doing much about it. The majority of the countries lack a proper cycling infrastructure. Thus making it difficult for even enthusiasts to opt for cycling.

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