Data Set &amp-Problem Analysis Ideation

FINAL PROJECT: Data Set & Problem Analysis Ideation

In preparation for a final data set analysis presentation you will need to select a data set to work with. The data set you  chose should include enough key points that you can analyze. Typically, a information with several columns of data (at least  and at least 200 rows (records). Information would be good enough to create visualizations that can be analyzed. The information set you choose can have many more, but be careful with data sets that aren’t big enough.  Keep in mind that you need to tell a story around this data so make sure that it’s a information  that is interesting to you and has enough data to craft a story.

For instance, if you were to choose a data set on Wildlife strikes – your eventual story might be for an airport in Chicago to better understand wildlife strikes at that airport to improve conditions and reduce the wildlife strikes. Please take a look at the  Tableau Public Sampleinformation link. Locate a information set that interests you and discuss the information found in the information set.  Here’s a link to additional sites where you can find datasets that may be of interest to you. COVID19. Dataset – Since we are in the middle of this pandemic. I’ve included a dataset as of May 15th – it includes numbers from all states in the US.

Further Description

This would be a way to explore real data in a current situation where there are many unknowns. This would be my suggestion. If you have a different interest please send me an email and. I can help you find a data set that might work. Requirement. Write a 500 word write up discussing the chosen data set.

Some information to include: What type of data is it – discuss the overview of the dataset and explain where it came from. See if you can also locate the primary source of the data and a website/page that has additional information about the study or data set.  Discuss the different columns of information and at least five visualizations you might be interested in creating (i.e. – what time of day are the most birds hit by planes at the Chicago airport?). Discuss a potential story around your data set (i.e. The Chicago airport is looking to reduce wildlife strikes and needs to understand the root problem in order to implement improved conditions, policies, or procedures.) Instructor MUST approve the story prior to moving forward.

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