Demographic Leadership Paper. 2022 Best

Demographic Leadership Paper.

This assignment involves writing a demographic leadership paper. (Paper #1) Baby Boomers and Gen X, All information you need to do each of the three deliverables, toward a single course paper, has been thoroughly documented in hundreds upon hundreds of articles, books, papers, and reports.

Demographic Leadership Paper.

Grading Rubric: You are building one single paper for this course, which will be delivered three times, where each deliverable has additional information as a part of it. Each deliverable will be described as paper #1, paper #2, and, paper #3. Again, each paper will build on the previous paper, meaning, you actually only have one single paper which continues to grow with each of the three submissions. Each paper (paper #1, paper #2, paper #3) deliverable will be emailed to me as assignments 1, 2, and 3, e.g.: Each deliverable of the paper will define, differentiate, and document the characteristics of the following demographic cohorts:

Demographic Leadership Paper.

(Paper #1) Baby Boomers and Gen X, All information you need to do each of the three deliverables, toward a single course paper, has been thoroughly documented in hundreds upon hundreds of articles, books, papers, and reports. The three (3) paper deliverables are not intended to be hard, they are intended to be reinforcing and to aid in our individual and collective understanding. You will basically define each cohort in terms of the below. Meaning, for paper #1, for example, you will define the baby boomers, and then, Gen X, by providing information for each relative to the below major categories.

Demographic Leadership Paper.

Basic demographics ▪ Birth years ▪ Number in cohort at peak and today ▪ Age range in 2020 ➢ Generational core values (examples below) ▪ Hard working? ▪ Conservative? ▪ Believe in hierarchy? ▪ Believe in command and control management structures? ▪ Work to live versus living to work? ▪ Others? ➢ Significant life events (called seminal/formative life events – i.e., what happened in their lives that formed who they are?) – examples below. ▪ Wars? ▪ Crises? ▪ Stock market crashes? 9/11? ▪ Government programs (New Deal, Dust Bowl, social security established? Deaths of famous people? Etc.)

Demographic Leadership Paper.

How they were raised (examples below)? ▪ Nurtured? ▪ Strong religious convictions for their times? ▪ “Latchkey kids”? ▪ Ignored? ▪ Shunned? ➢ Cultural memorabilia of their time? What famous things are indicative of this generational cohort? Examples below. ▪ Mickey mouse? ▪ Jukeboxes? ▪ Golden era of radio? ▪ Color TV? ▪ Internet? ▪ Apple computers? ▪ iPhone? ➢ Heroes of this generation. Who does the predominance (majority) of this generational cohort relate to as heroes? Examples below. ▪ Roosevelt? ▪ Audie Murphy? ▪ Babe Ruth? ▪ Michael Jordan? ▪ Barack Obama? ▪ Michelle Obama?

Demographic Leadership Paper.

The intent is to help you to understand who each generational cohort group is. What do we know about them; as discussed from the perspective of the above? Each paper submission (deliverable) will focus on the following cohort groups per submission: ➢ Paper submission #1 – Boomers and Gen X Follow the above outline to the best of your ability to help us understand who this cohort is. In other words, who are part of this cohort, what major life events formed who they are, what are their core values, how were they perceived growing up, what cultural memorabilia was indicative of their youth and who are their predominate heroes.

Demographic Leadership Paper.

In the end, you’re not trying to change anyone’s mind, but you are trying to provide sufficient information to heighten awareness to who this cohort is. Acceptance of others comes from understanding. Paper Grading Rubric (for each deliverable): 1. (5 points) Your name should be on the paper title page 2. (15 points) You must have a Table of Contents in your Microsoft Word document, which will be updated with each paper iteration/deliverable submission. 3. (5 points) Make sure to include page numbers in your Word document 4. (5 points) Normal Word spacing for the paper. i.e., whatever the line spacing is when you open Microsoft Word is the spacing to use.

Demographic Leadership Paper.

5. (50 points) Research, define and document the demographic cohort(s) characteristics for this deliverable of the paper. These can be found on the internet, articles, books, and journals. 6. (10 points) References. Make sure your reference list follows APA guidelines. 7. There is no page limit 8. (5 points) Name the file itself to be emailed to me as: Lname, Fname, Paper x (ex: Doe, Jane, Paper 1.docx; then Doe, Jane, Paper 2.docx; and finally, Doe, Jane, Paper 3.docx). 9. (5 points) You will email me one (1) Microsoft Word document (.docx or .doc), being built and expanded upon in each deliverable.

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