Designing quality improvement initiatives 2022 Best
For this assignment we will examine strategies for designing quality improvement initiatives and outcome evaluation plans for Advanced Practice Nursing. (SLO-1; SLO-3) 2. Discuss the skills and competencies necessary for using health care technology to evaluate and improve the quality of practice and evaluating and improving outcomes of the patient populations served by APNs.
Designing quality improvement initiatives
MODULE4 1 SET B INSTRUCTION I. At the end of this module students will be able to: Module 4 Learning Objectives 1. Examine strategies for designing quality improvement initiatives and outcome evaluation plans for Advanced Practice Nursing. (SLO-1; SLO-3) 2. Discuss the skills and competencies necessary for using health care technology to evaluate and improve the quality of practice and evaluating and improving outcomes of the patient populations served by APNs. (SLO-3) 3. Explore evolving nursing/APN specialties and their role in the changing dynamics of healthcare. (SLO-2)
Designing quality improvement initiatives
4. Characterize stages in their continuing evolution from specialty nursing practice to advanced practice nursing. 5. Analyze the ethical decision-making competency of the APN 6. Provide individual and organizational political competencies of APNs II. Read the following early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s). 1 Read the following early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s). Required Textbook Readings Chapters 19. 23, 24 Health Policy Issues in Changing Environments Using Outcomes and Performance Improvement Data to Evaluate and Improve Practice An Integrative Review of APRN Outcomes and Performance Improvement.
Designing quality improvement initiatives
READ AND WATCH ONLINE DUE: Early in the week Review PowerPoints on Chapters 19, 23, and 24 Review the articles by accessing the link. Woo, B.F.Y., Lee, J.X.Y., & Tam, W.W.S. (2017). The impact of advanced practice nursing and its role on the quality of care, clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost in the emergency and critical care settings: a systematic review. Retrieved from III. Answer the questions below Set B 1. Explain why reliable data measuring the quality and cost-effectiveness of care delivered by APNs is important for expanding APN practice autonomy and reimbursement? (MO 6,7,)
Designing quality improvement initiatives
2. APA 7 format and besides the reference text book, please site evidence-based references/journals w/in 5 years. Answer the prompt questions under Discussion in Module 4 RUBRIC CRITERIA FOR BLACKBOARD DISCUSSION PARTICIPATION: Each student is to be prepared for class discussion. That means you are to be knowledgeable of the topics being discussed and you are to contribute to the discussion demonstrating: CRITERIA Percent • Initial response to discussion questions with original thought/contribution (perspective not previously posted), supported by at least 1 current reference (2018 to present) other than your book 40.
Designing quality improvement initiatives
In the discussion, development of thought is evidenced (full explanation, detail, insight; this usually requires a couple of paragraphs to accomplish). 20 • Respond to the initial posting of your peers supported by 1 peer reviewed/current reference (2018 to present). You are required to respond to a minimum of 2 of your peers’ initial postings. More than 2 responses are encouraged to enhance your learning. 30 • APA 7th edition references/citations appropriately used. 10 TOTAL: 100
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