Developing your own project. 2023 Best
This paper focuses on developing your own project. Project outline. 1.Describe your project and clearly state your goals for the project. 2.Create a Microsoft Project File for your project and name it appropriately including your full name.
Developing your own project.
You will be developing your own project for this assignment. Please choose a project (e.g., event, small renovation, website development) with at least three workers including yourself (assume everyone will be paid at least Minimum Wage). Review the slides, book and videos as necessary. This project will be strictly marked on the logical and consistent choices you make in thinking through your project. Make sure that everything is labeled correctly and logically. Anyone should be able to look at the project file and understand it without any help. You will hand in the project file from your computer. You will also have to answer some questions below in a short written printout and include printouts of the Reports requested.
Developing your own project.
Please type or write answers where you see lines (__) in this outline. 1.Describe your project and clearly state your goals for the project. 2.Create a Microsoft Project File for your project and name it appropriately including your full name. 3.Choose a Start or Finish date for your project. Decide if you will Schedule from Project Start Date or Schedule from Project Finish Date. Make sure your choices are in line with your Project Goal. 4.You might want to start on paper. Develop a series of tasks and sub-tasks for this project. There should be no fewer than twelve tasks with specific durations (not including Summary Tasks and milestones for example).
Developing your own project.
Think about reasonable durations for your tasks. Tasks should make logical sense. Put these tasks into your project file in the correct order. Try to group them appropriately using a clear Work Breakdown Structure. Think about what kinds of dependencies you will need to link tasks with? 5.Set reasonable and logical Durations for all your tasks. COMP 1115 Assignment 1: MS Project Winter 2020 6.Create Dependencies among the Tasks. Explain any points where you included non-Finish-to-Start (FS) Dependencies. Make sure to use at least 2 such dependencies and explain why they are appropriate. 7.Include at least two Milestones.
Developing your own project.
8.Include lag or lead (negative lag) time at least twice in your project. Briefly explain your choices. 9.Schedule at least two holidays over the course of your project. 10. Include a Recurring Task in your project. 11. Create a logical Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) by creating Summary Tasks. 12. Include at least three work resources. 13. Include at least five material resources. 14. Consider logical costs for resources and any fixed costs. 15. Assign Resources to your Tasks. 16. Print out a Project Overview Report. Include it with a printout of this completed document. Be sure to include your name and student # in the header or footer (Page Setup options) of this document and the Report.
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