Development and Influence of Public Policy. 2022 Best

This paper explores the development and Influence of Public Policy. Paper details: For this assignment, you will select a policy that lies at the center of your analysis in this course. The policy you choose will be the same policy through Week Six.

Development and Influence of Public Policy.

Paper details: For this assignment, you will select a policy that lies at the center of your analysis in this course. The policy you choose will be the same policy through Week Six. Please do not deviate from your chosen policy, as this will severely impact your grade in subsequent assignments. Select one of the following socially charged policies: Economic and budgetary Health care Welfare and Social Security Education Environmental and energy Foreign policy and homeland security Your supervisor has asked you to make a presentation to the task force examining the policy that you intend to analyze.

Development and Influence of Public Policy.

You will work on this presentation throughout the course. Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you critique the policy in terms of justice and security. The first slide needs to contain the title of your presentation. The second slide should introduce the potential stakeholders. The rest of the slides should answer the following: How did the policy develop? Money Message Momentum How has it evolved? What are some alternatives? What is influencing the discussion around this policy? What are the security issues associated with this policy?

Development and Influence of Public Policy.

Format your presentation to ensure that the slide titles reflect the objective to which they are responding and only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Slides should follow the objectives in order; do not mix up objectives and do not combine objectives; each slide should reflect one objective. Do not design a slide made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting. For help with speaker notes, consult the guide on how to create speaker notes from Microsoft®. Include comprehensive speaker notes.

Development and Influence of Public Policy.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed or similar scholarly references beyond the course texts and associated learning activities to support your assignment. Scholarly sources are publications from professional organizations that are written by academics or other experts which contribute to knowledge in a particular field. Please review the document titled, “Unacceptable web sources,” found in the Course Resources section of the classroom. This is a list of prohibited references that students sometimes use. Do not use any of these sources as references; you best sources for scholarly material are the university library or possibly Google Scholar.

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