Diagnosis – Awareness Through Cinema
Awareness Through Cinema- Diagnosis
Using one of the movies listed below apply Austin’s HP/HP model to a case study of the character that has a diagnosis that an RT would work with. You must complete ALL portions of the Assignment (A-E)A) Identify the character’s diagnosis and some key characteristics of the illness they are presenting with.
Please note: if the diagnosis is not explicitly listed on this page. You must ALSO justify your reasoning through a brief diagnostic overview* and you MUST cite your source. Writing that a character has “Mental Illness” is NOT a diagnosis. You MUST identify the ACTUAL diagnosis you feel that the client is exhibiting. e.g. “The Soloist” mentions Schizophrenia is Nathaniel’s diagnosis, so you’ll just need to identify a few key symptoms of the disorder, but if you are writing about “The Aviator”, you MUST identify what mental illness Howard Hughes is displaying by identifying what symptoms you’re seeing as the RT.
Using the Client (character) you have chosen: B) Do a SWING chart for the client (strengths, weaknesses, interests, needs and goals) using the guide posted on Blackboard; this MUST be written in CHART form. You MUST identify the SWING for EACH domain C) Using the Trans theoretical Model of Change identify which stage your client is in. Also explain what they have displayed to you (as their RT) to demonstrate this (see pages 60 and 211). D) For EACH STAGE of the HP/HP model, select one motivational strategy and one instructional strategy from Chapter 7. That you will use with this client as they display progress through your treatment modalities (there MUST be a total of 6 strategies written)for each strategy you must explain why these are good choices that you, as the RT will use to help the client show progress towards goals.
Further Description
E) Select appropriate TR interventions from Ch. 6 using any the 5 domains (cognitive, physical, social etc. as your guide) for a total of 6 interventions. There must be 2 interventions for each stage of HP/HP. You may choose to focus on one domain for all 3 stages, or you can use different domains for each stage. You may also use the same modality. But you must identify the changes you as the RT will make to ensure your client is still engaged in the intervention. Finally you MUST cite information from the chapter. This will show why these are good choices to use to help your client. Suggested movies for Case Study: You may choose another movie not listed but MUST speak to me for approval prior to completing the assignment. The Notebook (Alzheimer’s Dementia)Tuesdays With Morrie (ALS)Basketball Diaries (Addiction)
You’re Not You (ALS)The Soloist (Schizophrenia)Still Alice (Alzheimer’s Dementia). The Aviator (Mental Illness)Rain Man (Autism). The Theory of Everything (ALS)Proof (Mental Illness)Rent (HIV/Addiction). The Family Stone (Terminal Illness)Hope Floats (Depression). Reign Over Me (PTSD)Brothers (PTSD)Forrest Gump . (Intellectual disability/ Physical Disability /Chronic/ Terminal Illness / Mental Illness). As Good as It Gets (OCD)Radio (Intellectual Disability)Ray (Addiction. Visual Impairment, Mental Illness)Born on the 4th of July (Mental Health, Paraplegia). Regarding Henry (TBI)Temple Grandin (Autism)Flight (Addiction)Dallas Buyers Club (HIV/AIDS). Requiem for A Dream (Addiction)28 Days (Addiction)And the Band Played On (HIV/AIDS)Silver Linings Playbook (Bipolar Disorder). Finally a Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia)I Am Sam (Intellectual Disability)Beaches (Terminal Illness)
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