Dimensions of youth 2022 Best

This assignment involves creating a high-quality poster dimensions of youth, gender and class. The poster is meant to convey a message about young people and should contain some theory and relevant content.

Dimensions of youth

ASSESSMENT ITEM 2: DESCRIPTION 1. Students are to produce a high -quality poster relating to the approved chosen topic (Dimensions of youth, gender and class) The poster is meant to convey a message about young people and should contain some theory and relevant content. It should also be aesthetically appealing. Students should also consider the following points when designing their poster: The poster should effectively convey a distilled message. Font size and type must be legible from approximately 2-3 metres (avoid BLOCK letters and italicized words).

Dimensions of youth

There should be a title. Color selections should be simple, complementary, and pleasing to the eye. Use colours wisely. Too many colours will obscure the message. Uncomplicated layout and organization of the material will ensure the main message of the poster is clear. Text should be balanced with graphics, so that neither overwhelms the other. Check typography, avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon. Check correct spelling – no typos. Eye movement should be natural so that the visual grammar of the poster easily leads the viewer through the message. Less rather than more text is desirable. Use simplicity.

Dimensions of youth

Don’t overload the poster; more material could mean the viewer will read less. 2. Students are to write a 200-word abstract which should accompany the poster when it is submitted. Key areas to be addressed: a) Why you chose the topic which relates to young people. b) Why you feel this topic is important to youth. c) The key take -home message from your poster. d) The key design features of the poster which would make it appealing to the viewer. e) What community groups (professional or lay) this poster would appeal to. f) A major theory which best provides an explanation about the topic. Class Key Points.https://youtu.be/R7ORk6SYyKE

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