Emergency Medical Services – Report Writing
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Sample Budget In order to request funding. You will need to have estimates of the amount of financial resources you will need to establish your program and the amount you will need to support it if there are no options for the program or service to generate a revenue stream. Data is frequently required to obtain initial funding as well as to justify ongoing funding. Funds available through grants will often require reports that use data from the program or service to show that proposed goals are being met. There are two parts to this assignment. You will utilize a word processing application for Part I, and you will have the option to use that application or a spreadsheet application to develop Part II. You will need to submit Part I and Part II as two separate documents.
Further Description
Part I: Consider the data collection tool developed in Unit V. Based on the predicted results, approximate whether it would support initial and/or ongoing funding of your program or service. Identify whether your program or service intends to generate revenue. Would this be likely to support initial and/or continued funding of your EMS program? Compile at least a one page result. Part II: Construct a budget (one page) with realistic estimates for your program or service. Your sample budget may contain as many categories as appropriate but should contain the following categories at a minimum (where applicable). Personnel Cost (annual or hourly), Facilities (including utilities), Capital Equipment or Vehicle(s). Equipment (non-capital), Medical Supplies, and Office Supplies.
You may want to review the sample budget in Table 4.3 on page 99 of your textbook for suggestions of budget items and categories that help clarify financial needs. Appropriate references should be in use for obtaining credible estimates for your budget. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrases from the sources used, and include any sources used on a references page for Part I and Part II. You must follow APA style when developing your assignment.
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