End of life care. 2022 Best

This paper explores ethical dilemmas surrounding symptom management during end of life care. For this assignment, you will select an ethical issue related to nursing with which you have a dilemma

End of life care.

For this assignment, you will select an ethical issue related to nursing with which you have a dilemma. Consider general areas of technology, education, research, economics, and legal issues for topic ideas. The topic is to be approved by the instructor by week two of the course. The term paper will be written in APA format (include title page, page numbers, reference page, and headings to delineate topics—APA resources are included at the beginning of the course).The paper is to be a minimum of 7 full pages of text (title page and reference page do not count toward these 7 pages).

End of life care.

You should have a minimum of 5 sources, including peer-reviewed nursing journals and other sources. Please be aware of the validity and reliability of the sources you utilize, especially sources from the internet – bias is not uncommon! Support each major point you make with citations. Include the following information. Please note there are several components to most of these areas that need to be addressed: Introduction of issue, relevant history/ landmark events/ rulings to provide a clear picture of how the issue is viewed in society. Discuss why this issue is an ethical dilemma for you, including:

End of life care.

Ethical principles involved or conflicting (i.e. autonomy, justice, etc.) Relevant values you hold Ethical theory to which you ascribe (i.e. utilitarianism, virtue, etc.) Any fallacies of reasoning that might interfere in your ethical decision making process related to this issue Describe how this ethical issue impacts patients, families, society, law, and economics. Describe the role of the nurse in the decision making process regarding the ethical issue. Describe any conflicts/ concerns, legal and ethical responsibilities (what standards apply).

End of life care.

Discuss actual or potential resolution of the issue with attention to how it involves/ affects the nurse, patient, family, society, the law and economics. Provide a strong conclusion. You will submit the final draft of the term paper no later than Week Seven. Earlier submissions of the final product will happily be accepted. https://youtu.be/bM8LuiV5NF0

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