Establishing a personal brand 2023 Best

Establishing a personal brand on social media is one of the hardest yet most important tasks for a social media professional. Your personal brand is your most valuable asset to protect, invest in, and maintain for your community and professional career.

Establishing a personal brand

Personal branding. Establishing a personal brand on social media is one of the hardest yet most important tasks for a social media professional. Your personal brand is your most valuable asset to protect, invest in, and maintain for your community and professional career. For this project, try to identify and establish your personal brand by answering the following questions: 1. What is your personal brand? 2. What is the rational value (functional benefits) that you have as a personal brand? How about your emotional value (personality, attitudes)? Make sure to use examples.

Establishing a personal brand

3. How do you plan to establish your personal brand and grow your own community? What kind of content do you plan to create and promote to help build/maintain your personal brand? What kind of strategy (Freberg, 2019, p. 56) would you choose to build/maintain your personal brand? 4. Which type of personal brand (Freberg, 2019, p. 53) that you identify with? Why? 5. What are some possible challenges that you may face while trying to establish your personal brand? How do you plan to overcome these challenges?

Establishing a personal brand

Required components: Introduction (1/2 page) Personal brand statement; characteristics of your personal brand (1/2 page) Plan and execution (question 3) (1 page) Personal brand type (1/2 page) Future considerations (1/2 page) Conclusions (1/2 page) References (as long as needed) Make sure that you 1) cite your sources suing APA format and 2) have all the required components/sections. *No cover page needed* If you want to cite the textbook: In-text citation: (Freberg, 2019, p. xx) Reference list: Freberg, K. (2019). Social media for strategic communication: Creative strategies and research-based applications. Sage Publications.

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