Ethical Aspects of International Business. 2022 Best

BUSINESS LAW: Paper details: Primary Required Text: The Legal and Ethical Aspects of International Business. Eric L. Richards and Scott J. This exam covers chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21.

Ethical Aspects of International Business.

BUSINESS LAW: Paper details: Primary Required Text: The Legal and Ethical Aspects of International Business. Eric L. Richards and Scott J. This exam covers chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21. Answer all questions by inserting you answer after each question. In your answers, make sure you cite to ALL sources, including your textbook (ex: Richards, p20), and your outside sources via hyperlinks. This exam consists of five (5) questions @ 20 points each. Be sure to answer each question. This paper is 100 points total. PART I: Thoroughly answer the following questions. Insert your answer after each question.

Ethical Aspects of International Business.

Keep the question above your answer so you can continually refer to it to make sure you are answering the question asked. Remember: discuss any/all relevant case law referenced in your text; cite to your sources. Here are the questions and your prompt… 1. Chapter 17 discusses the law of Agency. Find a current event article (the last 4 weeks) that pertains to Agency in the international context. Thoroughly discuss the following implications: business, legal, ethical, and social – using the following format: a) business implications: b) legal implications: c) ethical implications: d) social implications: 2. Chapter 18 discusses the employment relationship in the international context.

Ethical Aspects of International Business.

Find a current event article (the last 4 weeks) that pertains to this chapter. Thoroughly discuss the following implications: business, legal, ethical, and social – using the following format: a) business implications: b) legal implications: c) ethical implications: d) social implications: 3. Chapter 19 discusses employment discrimination in the international context. Find a current event article (the last 4 weeks) that pertains to this chapter. Thoroughly discuss the following implications: business, legal, ethical, and social – using the following format: a) business implications: b) legal implications: c) ethical implications: d) social implications:

Ethical Aspects of International Business.

4. Chapter 20 discusses licensing and intellectual property rights in the international context. Find a current event article (the last 4 weeks) that pertains to this chapter. Thoroughly discuss the following implications: business, legal, ethical, and social – using the following format: a) business implications: b) legal implications: c) ethical implications: d) social implications: 5. Chapter 21 discusses Competition law in the international context. Find a current event article (the last 4 weeks) that pertains to this chapter. Thoroughly discuss the following implications: business, legal, ethical, and social – using the following format: a) business implications: b) legal implications: c) ethical implications: d) social implications.

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