Evaluation – Outcome Focused Empowerment

Humanities- Evaluation

Earlier in the course, you explored how organizations plan for population needs and necessary services by implementing needs assessment surveys. Organizations and their funders want to know that program planning is done in an efficient and fiscally responsible way. Once programs are in place and they render services, they also want to know that programs are progressing toward their goals . In addition  making positive differences in the lives of their communities. More specifically, the population receiving program services). To do this, organizations engage in program evaluation. There are three main types of program evaluation: outcome-focus, empowerment, and outcome-focus empowerment. In outcome-focus evaluation, criteria for program success is set and persons outside the direct program staff do the evaluation.

Empowerment evaluation allows program staff to set and measure their own evaluation terms, and outcome-focus empowerment is a combination of the two. Each type of evaluation has its own benefits and limitations, and is more or less appropriate for various evaluation situations. In this Discussion, you will conduct research on program evaluation and evaluate the evaluation approaches found in those articles. To Prepare select a journal article published within the last 5 years that applies one of the three program evaluation approaches to a human or social services program. Consider why they select this type  and the benefits and challenges to implementing it in this particular situation. By Day 3Post a brief description of the program under evaluation in the article you select. Explain which evaluation approach is in use in the evaluation and why it was appropriate for the task.

Further Description

Finally, explain benefits and challenges to applying this type of evaluation to the program in question. Be specific and provide examples.2) 2 pages Program evaluation procedures can help you identify the needs of a population as you develop programs. They can also help you identify portions of the population who are not accessing services once they implement a program. In this assignment, you examine issues related to access to services and how program evaluation procedures can be used to address those issues. To Prepare Review the Interactive Learning Community’s Community Center and High School in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the demographics present in the New Harbor High School.

Then consider how you could apply research methods to increasing participation in marriage and relationship education programs to one of the largest disadvantaged and/or ethnically diverse families in the community. Use the data from the High School, to choose a population. Finally, consider the measurement and data collection methods present in the course text and how they can  apply to this issue. The Assignment (2–3 pages) Identify the disadvantaged and/or ethnically diverse population you have chosen. In this week’s Interactive Learning Community and why you choose that population to focus on. Explain how, as a researcher, you would increase participation of your chosen disadvantaged. Adding ethnically diverse populations in marriage and relationship education programs based on their needs.

Additional information

The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to provide more valid, reliable, and generalizable results in research is known as “Mixed Methods” Research. Explain the types of quantitative measures (detailed in this week’s readings) and qualitative data collection methods (detailed in Week 4’s readings) you would employ to obtain more valid. Reliable and also generalizable results for a program evaluation of the marriage and relationship education programs.

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