Exercise Immunology. 2022 Best

This paper explores exercise immunology. The purpose of this project is to review the “current” literature on a topic of your choice related and relevant to Physiology of Sport and Exercise.

Exercise Immunology.

Paper details: The purpose of this project is to review the “current” literature on a topic of your choice related and relevant to Physiology of Sport and Exercise. The topic does not necessarily need to be related to one of the areas discussed in class or in the textbook; however, your chosen topic must be approved by me prior to embarking on this endeavor. In your literature review, concentrate primarily on articles that are not more than 10 years old. It may be, however, that a classic research article more than 10 years old needs to be included in your review.

Exercise Immunology.

The library does subscribe to several relevant online journals for downloading articles; although, you may end up needing to use the interlibrary loan service. Therefore, it means that you should develop your topic and begin to research it relatively soon so you can get your interlibrary loan requests processed and the articles back to you as soon as possible. The format (particularly for referencing) of the paper will need to follow the guidelines utilized in the ACSM journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE).

Exercise Immunology.

You can find the “Information for Authors in a copy of MSSE or on the ACSM’s web site (www.acsm-msse.org) [https://www.editorialmanager.com/msse/default.aspx]. Specific formatting please follow NLM Style (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/). The review should contain at least 7 primary references (i.e., refereed, scientific journal articles). Secondary references (i.e., textbooks) can also be used but please do not use more than 3. Understand that a literature review is usually presented as a “comparison/contrast” of the results and interpretations concerning your project.

Exercise Immunology.

We will discuss specific format items in class. In general, the assignment will be typed, double spaced throughout, and pages numbered consecutively on the top, right side of each page. The assignment should be structured with a title page, an abstract, (neither of which count toward the 6-page requirement), an introduction, a body of the review, a summary, and references (also not counting toward the 6-page requirement). You are expected to use correct grammar. You will be penalized for improper grammatical construct such as typographical errors, subject/verb disagreement, comma errors, sentence fragments, etc. The Review of Literature Project is worth 200 pts. https://youtu.be/2r9SNHOMjLA

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