Variables – Successful Performance

Variables- Successful Performance on Sex-Linked Tasks

Your article analysis should include a concise description and explanation of the following:1. Introduction firstly what is the main issue or problem that you are investigating? Secondly how does relevant previous research and theory (review in the Introduction) provide a rationale for the current study? Thirdly  what are the specific hypotheses (including the expected direction of relationships between variables) do they test in the current study? In addition what independent (or predictor) and dependent (or criterion) variables are being investigated? How the variables are operationalized (defined and measured)? What is the design of the study (e.g., experimental, correlational, quasi-experimental, etc.)?2. Methods Participants. Provide the number, type, mean age, sex breakdown, and any specific or unusual characteristics. Measures/Materials/Apparatus.

Provide descriptions of measurement instruments that are used to measure the main variables (e.g., any survey or questions completed by participants, any participant behavior that is observed or recorded). When describing self-report measures, include scale anchors (e.g., 1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree) and a sample item. Procedure. Provide an overall description of procedures followed in data collection, including random assignment of participants to groups, manipulation of independent variables, and so on. You do not have to include a description of participant recruitment, informed consent, credit for participation, etc.; however, you should describe instructions to participants that are relevant to manipulation or measurement of variables. Results what are the main results in terms of the hypotheses (i.e., did they confirm the hypothesis  or not?)?.

Additional Guidelines

Describe results that pertain directly to hypotheses in terms of group differences or statistical relationships. Description of results should be broad; you do not have to include specific descriptive statistics or test results in your report.3. Discussion what general conclusions did the researchers draw? Describe how the current results fit or do not fit with the findings of previous research. Do the current results add anything unique or important to the understanding of the phenomena in question? What are the limitations/flaws of the current study? How could the results be interpreted differently? What are some possibilities for future research?4. References include all references mentioned in the text of your paper on a separate page at the end of your paper; please use current APA style for references

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