Feasibility Report. 2022 Best
This task entails creating a power point Presentation that persuades the audience to accept the solution to the problem identified in your Feasibility Report.
Feasibility Report.
Project 6: PPT Presentation ENG Final Submission Deadline: Length and Number of Slides: 5-minute oral presentation using 7-10 PowerPoint (PPT) slides WHAT: Design and develop a 5-minute PPT Presentation that persuades your classmates to accept the solution—and the criteria used to determine the solution—to the problem identified in your Feasibility Report. On-ground sections of this course will conduct the PPT presentation in class for face-to-face audience members. Online sections of this course will add audio and appropriate slide-transition timing to the PPT and post it for viewing by Bb audience members.
Feasibility Report.
HOW: Create a 5-minute PPT presentation using 7 to 10 slides. • If you are taking the class online, include audio and slide timing. • If you are taking the class on ground, prepare an oral presentation to deliver while showing your slides in class. • Use color, organization, syntax, diction, style, and tone appropriate for your audience (your classmates) and subject. • Locate, evaluate, and integrate information using revision strategies to demonstrate quality skills in writing, visual presentation, and audio/speaking.
Feasibility Report.
Ensure your PPT presentation o Introduces the audience to the § purpose of the Feasibility Report § problems that motivated the Feasibility Report § person who initiated the Feasibility Report o Discusses § criteria upon which Feasibility Report’s recommended solution will be based § data/research findings § analysis of data against criteria o Concludes with a § summary giving significance of findings and drawing conclusion based on data/findings in the Feasibility Report § recommendation for next steps or course of action to be taken based on discussion in report.
Feasibility Report.
Provides research references used in Feasibility Report Please refer to your course textbook for tips on using PPT and for developing effective visual presentations. The final version of the PPT Presentation will be presented in class. WHY: Companies dedicate resources to attract consumers to their products and services. Print and broadcast advertisements, social media, and community outreach are just some of the ways companies connect with people. A PPT presentation is another way companies communicate. https://youtu.be/H_m2HTo3HQI
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