Federal Aviation Administration 2023 Best

Safety Management System and Procedures. Paper details: Retrieve information from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 120-92B (attached), and the FAA website https://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/sms/specifics_by_aviation_industry_type/air_operators ,

Federal Aviation Administration

Safety Management System and Procedures. Paper details: Retrieve information from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 120-92B (attached), and the FAA website https://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/sms/specifics_by_aviation_industry_type/air_operators , which explains SMS, the impact on the MRO, and how it is communicated throughout the organization, and two applicable sources that discuss the importance and implementation of a SMS in aviation.

Federal Aviation Administration

Answer the following questions about safety management systems (SMS), questions are also attached for ease of reading. What is an SMS and name the attributes of the system?  What are the four components of an SMS? Describe one of the SMS components/pillars, and in detail, state why you feel that SMS pillar contributes to managing safety risk and assuring the effectiveness of safety risk controls. What are the challenges you foresee while implementing SMS and its pillars into MRO organizations? Describe “Just Culture” and its systematic errors and intolerance behavior?

Federal Aviation Administration

How can the SMS be utilized effectively to prevent and improve safety processes? Describe safety accountability and authority in an MRO and how management can be actively involved in the process of operational responsibility. Describe safety risk management and its regulatory requirements for hazard identification. What is proactive and reactive risk management in the SMS model? https://youtu.be/BMDWWSU_hDQ

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