Film – Field of Dreams,” and the terrible novel
What are the strengths and/or failings of both the good film, “Field of Dreams,” and the terrible novel, “Shoeless Joe?”
The good Film
Research Project: You will have the opportunity to research and write a longer paper that somehow explores the interaction between the written word and the visual medium of film. Some books make good movies, and some books make horrible movies. The opposite is likewise true; some excellent movies have been made from some genuinely bad novels. Write an analysis/research paper of the good film, “Field of Dreams,” and the terrible novel, “Shoeless Joe. “Length: 8-10 full-length pages If your paper requirement is 8-10 full-length pages and you only write 7 pages, you have only completed 7/9 (77.8%) of the required work. Thus, your final grade on the paper can be no higher than the amount of work you completed.
For example, should your paper be an 85%, and you have only written 7 pages (77.8% of the requirement), your resulting grade will be a 66.1%. If your paper is too short, you have likely not done the requisite amount of thinking. Your paper must contain a title page; this eliminates the need for an extensive heading on the first page. Your paper must have standard margins without footers and/or headers. Due to a rare eye disorder, I cannot read anything other than Times New Roman at 12 pt. font. Sources: Now that you have made the bold plunge to an upper division art history class, it is time to leave the Internet behind as the primary source for your paper. While such research may be a valuable point of departure, the main sources for this paper must be books, films and scholarly journals.
Further Description
Books and scholarly journals can come from databases (Ex. JSTOR). There are no required amount of sources. The sources page should be at the end of the paper, and it does not count towards the length. Please note: While you may directly quote any primary source, you may not directly quote any secondary source (a primary source is something exceptionally close to the topic studied; a letter written by a director, for example; a secondary source is all others; textbooks, articles, films, journals). The reason for this is simple: the paper you are to hand in is to be your paper, using your own words, and it is unlikely that the words you wish to directly quote are so magical that you must use them exactly as the first scholar wrote them.
While I expect you to complete research and to search our sources, you must rephrase previous authors’ thoughts into your own words without plagiarizing. The direct quotation of a secondary source without first checking it with me will result in a one-letter-grade deduction. For this this class, we have also been reading Ann Hornaday’s “Talking Pictures: How to Watch Movies.” This could possibly be a good source for this research paper.
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