Final Research Protocol – Writing Assignment

Final Research Protocol

This “Final Research Protocol” assignment is a thoroughly revised compilation of Proposal Milestones One to Three. You will prepare this assignment by closely following the Sample Research Protocols (available within Module 1). For the format of headings and content. Additionally, you may refer to various relevant sections of research articles you have cited in the assignment. “Proposal Milestone One” to get further guidance on how to write this assignment “Final Research Protocol.” Please closely follow instructions written below to prepare this assignment. Instructions: Please use Microsoft Word document to prepare this assignment. Use clear and appropriate headings and subheadings in your document. Use 1 inch margin all around, 12-point Times New Roman font style, and double line spacing.

Strictly follow APA 6th edition for citing sources and providing references in the References section. Begin this document by typing your name, affiliation, and research topic (please limit to 15 or less words) on the first page of this assignment. Then, provide a detailed explanation of the following: Introduction and Background (at least 4 paragraphs) [use separate headings]Significance, Study Objectives, and Specific Aims (or Research Questions) (at least 6 paragraphs) [use separate headings]Methods (use separate heading, then provide details under the following subheadings)Study Design (at least 4 paragraphs)Data Collection Steps (at least 4 paragraphs)Variables (at least 2 paragraphs or using tables)Data Management (at least 2 paragraphs)Data Analysis Plan (at least 1 paragraph to answer each specific aim or research question) [use separate headings]. Dissemination of Study Key Findings (provide details of the plan for presenting key findings or results of your study) (at least 1 paragraph)

Further Description

Note: If you are a doctoral student, please note the following additional requirements in this assignment. Apply principles of research methods within the context of healthcare Generate workable research questions. Also construct a research proposal to address these questions. Apply skills of inquiry, analysis, and information literacy to address issues in healthcare science. At the end of this assignment provide a list of at least 15 references in APA 6th edition (cited in the main text of the assignment) on a new page using the heading of References. Please revise your assignment several times before you think it is ready for submission. Read it out loud in order to detect any grammatical or typographical errors. Save this assignment as “Your First Name Final Research Protocol” before submitting on Blackboard by 11:59 pm (EST) on the second Friday of Module 8.Please review the rubric before preparing and submitting your assignment.

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