PICO Question- Finding the Evidence
PICO question – Finding the Evidence
Read below to be sure you have correct content for each paragraph. Paragraph 1: Paragraph one facts are NOT from your main article. Include a source related to your topic to cite the facts in your introductory paragraph showing why your research question is relevant (this paragraph is where you include your research question). Introduction statement(s) present example: Therefore the purpose of this paper is…). PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. In Addition include related statistics with cited reference NOT from your main article. Consequently the source must be 5 years or less from current publication date. Rationale: You want to show from a different source the impact of your problem. Paragraph 2: Main Article Introduce the main article and give facts as described on the rubric, with at least two facts from the discussion and/or results section.
Correctly identify design, sampling method, and setting of study. This should only take one sentence: (example – “Smith and Johnson conducted a predictive correlational study using a convenience sample from a psychiatric outpatient clinic.”). State the major findings of the study (at least 2 findings). The findings you share should come from the results or discussion settings. State how the facts are relevant to the PICO question and to nursing practice as your final statement for the section. Paragraph #3: Main Article -List the major variables of the main article study. Identify whether they are independent, dependent, or research variables. NOTE: If there is an intervention (experimental or quasi-experimental study) you will identify independent and dependent variables. If the study is correlational or descriptive, you will describe research variables.
Further Description
Further include the conceptual definition for each variable mentioned or its absence noted. Include the 0perational definition for each variable mentioned. Note: Operational definitions apply to what measurement tool was used. Discuss the correct level of measurement given for each variable. Paragraph 4: Main Article Strengths and Weaknesses – Identify two strengths and/or weaknesses of the main article. Discuss strengths and/or weaknesses in your own words. Strengths and/or weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the main article. Paragraph 5: Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) source: Find a clinical practice guideline and discuss 3 facts. You can find Clinical Practice Guideline links on the Module Tab within the course.
Scroll past Module 5 to: Nursing Research Links Then scroll to the last link to find helpful sources: Guideline Resources You may need to generalize your topic a bit, but as long a CPG is related, you’ll be fine. The reason you include the website within the paragraph is to show that you researched a Clinical Practice Guidelines resource and not just a primary article. Make sure you include the hyperlink. If you cannot find a current guideline (published within the last 5 years), include a statement that this is the most recent guideline available. Discuss 3 of the recommendations and how this relates to your PICO question. For those with non-clinical topics, use the ANA website or AACN and you should also be able to find a related guideline.
Additional Information
Paragraph 6: “Fourth Source” article See rubric to introduce 3 facts from a fourth source. This can be a how-to article or any related source, as long as it is current (published within 5 years) and relates to your PICO question and nursing practice. Paragraph 7: Conclusion. Repeat the PICO question and answer it based on your research. Cite all four sources to tie the summary together to the research you have done. Include your recommendations for nursing practice based on your findings.5. APA: Do not use Direct Quotes! Originality is a key factor for a critique. Consequently direct quotes are discouraged for this paper and limited to two, if necessary. See the rubric. Make sure you use correct in-text citations for all paraphrasing.
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