Geopolitics and politics in the gulf. 2023 Best

This paper explores geopolitics and politics in the gulf. Choose one subject and write a paper (up to 1200 words) that addresses all the aspects of the required analysis: 1. The Arab Spring or the Arab Winter?

Geopolitics and politics in the gulf.

Final Work for the Course Choose one subject and write a paper (up to 1200 words) that addresses all the aspects of the required analysis: 1. The Arab Spring or the Arab Winter? a. Choose one country that went through social and political upheaval. b. Elaborate on the historical context that led to the upheaval, and the dynamics of the revolution/ demonstrations. c. What were the outcomes – Politically, Internally and regionally? d. How do you regard the Revolution – Arab spring or Arab winter? What were the social/ political/ regional ramifications of the upheaval? e. Use at least 3 sources in your paper. Add a bibliography.

Geopolitics and politics in the gulf.

2. The Energy Crisis in 1973. a. Explain the historical roots of the crisis – Address in your question to the main regional players and the great power players intervention b. Elaborate on the Crisis and its impact on the world’s economy – How the crisis was solved? c. What were the ramifications of the crisis on the Gulf countries, and on the international arena? what were the lessons to the world’s energy architecture? d. What in the current world’s energy crisis resembles the 1973 crisis and what differs? e. Use at least 3 sources in your paper. Add a bibliography.


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