NY Times – Health Care Systems Assignment

Health Care Systems Assignment – NY Times

Health Care Systems Assignment HCM 11We have learned a lot about the U.S. health care system this semester. Now you will investigate another country’s healthcare system and provide some suggestions for how the U.S. health care system could be improved. Select ONE of these countries: Canada, Germany or the United Kingdom and write at least a 600-word paper (about 2.5 pages but not exceeding 3.5 pages) about it. The paper should be composed of 6 paragraphs as illustrated below; please use the prompts provided to keep you on track with the assignment. Instructions The paper should be composed of 6 paragraphs that follow the organizational layout below. All writing must be in your own words. Any phrases and/or sentences that are copied and pasted from a website will result in a significant reduction of points or possibly a zero on your assignment grade.

You must submit this paper using TurnItIn, see the directions in the folder below on how to do this. The paper is is due 5/5/21 by 11:59pm.Organizational Layout (Please follow the layout below):1.The country I will focus on is_____________. (Next, in your own words describe how their health care system works. You may want to check chapter 1 in your text book for this information. This first paragraph should end with a thesis statement that explains what you will discuss in the following paragraphs of your paper.)2. Some positives aspects (good things) about this country’s health care system are____________. (Use at least one reputable website such as newspapers (ie. NY Times, Newsweek etc.) News websites, org, .gov or .net. (NOT YOUR TEXT BOOK). Describe what is positive about this country’s health care system. Make sure that you give 3 specific examples.)

Further Description

3. Some negative aspects (challenges they face) about this country’s health care system are____________. (Use at least one reputable website such as newspapers (ie. NY Times, Newsweek etc.) News websites, org, .gov or .net. (NOT YOUR TEXT BOOK). Describe what is negative about this country’s health care system. Make sure that you give 3 specific examples.)4. The overall health of the (name of country)’s population is (better or worse) compared to the United States. (Use at least one reputable website such as newspapers (ie. NY Times, Newsweek etc.) News websites, org, .gov or .net. (NOT YOUR TEXT BOOK). Describe how this country’s health care system compares to that of the US. Some health statistics you may want to consider using are: infant mortality rates, mortality rates for cardiovascular disease, life expectancy for males and females, percentage of people with normal body mass, etc.

Make sure that you give 3 specific examples.)5. After learning about (name of country), I would like to see the following solutions implemented in the US health care system to improve it. (Make sure that you give 2 specific examples and explain why you choose them.)6. In conclusion. (Wrap up in 6 or 7 sentences by restating your thesis statement and reinforcing why the ideas you have presented are important.)NOTE: The assignment should be written in complete sentences and follow the layout and directions provided above. In addition, it should meet the following basic criteria:–Must be typed (12-point Times New Roman font), double-spaced and one-inch margins.

Additional Instructions

First page, upper right corner, must include course name (HCM 11, plus your section number or the day that your section meets) and student’s name.)–Points will be deducted for late papers and for errors in spelling/grammar/sentence structure.–Please see the assignment’s rubric (attached above as a word document) for additional grading criteria.–You must submit your work as a Word document or PDF.

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