Health in Black and white mothers 2022 Best

This paper explores the differences in health in Black and white mothers during pregnancy and their infants (up to one year old). On the other hand we will compare the differences in age and socioeconomic status of them.

Health in Black and white mothers

Differences in health in Black and white mothers during pregnancy and their infants (up to one year old). Paper instructions: incomplete paper and required headings and directions: Introduction section (1-3 paragraphs), introduce your topic, why it is important, and how you will address it. In this paper, discuss the differences in health of white mothers and their infants and Black mothers and their infants, during pregnancy and shortly after birth. I will also compare the differences in age and socioeconomic status of them.

Health in Black and white mothers

There are many noteworthy differences that have been found between these two populations, particularly in the United States. Racism is the biggest threat to Black mothers and their infants. Evolution Background (1-2 pages), discuss the evolutionary literature on your topic. Evolutionarily, there are risks of giving birth at an early age as discussed in class (Source). This is compounded by racism (Hoffman, et al.). I say racism and not race because that is an important distinction. The race of the mother does not cause health issues. It is overwhelming racism that does (Suliman, 2021).

Health in Black and white mothers

So, for this section, I will discuss the known risks of childbirth, based on available research and statistics, for teenagers (19 and under) and compare the health of white and Black teenager mothers and their infants, in the United States. Sociocultural Background (1-2 pages), discuss the sociocultural dimensions of your topic. At least some of the background must be centered on the United States, but you can also say a bit about the global picture of your topic as well. Case Study (2-3 pages), lay out the public health picture of your topic in Florida, including the appropriate statistics.

Health in Black and white mothers

Local and state news articles or public health reports can also be used here to help describe the state of your topic in Florida. Discuss any inequalities you see here. Discussion (2-3 pages), connect the findings from your case study to the Evolution and Sociocultural Background sections. Do your findings conform to previous findings or are they different? Elaborate, and analyze whether you should accept your thesis statement. Public Health and Clinical Implications (1 page), discuss how your findings are relevant to public health.

Health in Black and white mothers

Is there anything about an anthropological point of view that can help change the current health picture for your topic in Florida? How should practitioners proceed in an ethical way? Hoffman et al., (2016) discusses how the racial bias of medical professionals affect their pain assessments and medical treatment of Black Americans. These false beliefs that Black and white people feel pain differently contributes to Black mother and newborn deaths in alarming numbers (Suliman, 2021).

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