Hinduism and Karma. 2022 Best

This paper explores Hinduism and Karma. Paper Instructions Over the course of our semester, each student is required to write a research paper on each of the five religious traditions we discuss in class.

Hinduism and Karma.

RELS 1304 Mini-Research Paper Instructions Over the course of our semester, each student is required to write a research paper on each of the five religious traditions we discuss in class. While the topic is totally up to you, it must coincide with the religion discussed in class (i.e. when writing a paper on Judaism, your paper must specifically relate to the Jewish religion.) The object of these papers is for you to choose a topic we discussed in class and compose a research paper. Choose a topic that interests you. For example, when we discuss Judaism, we will talk about a period called the Babylonian Exile. Maybe you want to learn more about the Jewish experience.

Hinduism and Karma.

Or when we discuss Christianity, we will talk about the “Gospel of Thomas” which was deemed heretical by Church authority. Maybe you want to know more about this gospel. Whatever topic you choose, research it and report your findings. ALL PAPERS MUST BE TURNED AS HARD COPIES AND IN CLASS ON THE DATE REGISTERED IN THE SYLLABUS; IF YOU ARE ABSENT FROM CLASS, YOU CAN EMAIL IT ON THE DUE DATE TO AVOID PENALTIES, BUT YOU WILL NEED TO BRING IN A HARD COPY THE NEXT DAY OF CLASS; EMAILED PAPERS WILL NOT BE GRADED.

Hinduism and Karma.

Nuts and Bolts Page Length: 2.5 pages minimum, double-spaced (anything less will result in a deduction from grade) MLA Format If unfamiliar with MLA format, see this website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ Four sources minimum (scholarly articles and/or books). If you use websites, make sure the author is known and reputable in the field. The strength of your sources will be a factor in your overall grade. Creative Option Throughout history, religion has inspired creative expression. Perhaps you will find yourself creatively inspired as well. As such, over the course of the semester you will be allowed to substitute two creative works for the research papers.

Hinduism and Karma.

This can include poetry, short stories, painting, sculptures, etc. If you choose such option, your creative work must be accompanied by a 2.5 page double spaced paper that includes a proper introduction, body, and conclusion. For your paper, tell me what inspired your creation, what are you trying to express, and, most importantly, how does it connect to course material (lecture/readings)? While your creative piece as a whole will factor into your overall grade, you will not be judged on how great a painter you are or how fantastic your poem is. Bear in mind, however, that a creative piece that appears to have been thrown together will negatively effect your overall grade.

Hinduism and Karma.

That being said, your paper will be the primary basis for your grade and, as such, should meet the minimum page requirement, address the questions as described above, and be well-written. Grading Grading is based on both form (30 points) and content (70 points) Note: If your paper does not meet the MINIMUM required page length and/or fulfill the source requirements you will receive a deduction from your grade. A document titled “Common Problems” is located in the modules section on Canvas.   https://youtu.be/v-NzVIwyZso

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