History paper – Essay Writing Assignment

History paper

Your midterm assignment is to write a longer essay that informs us about something we have studied thus far in the term. Therefore here is the basic idea. State a claim of historical importance about someone or something that you want to tell us about.-Present facts, evidence, and details which support the importance of the topic you are informing us about.-Provide an explanation of how the evidence you presented gives us an explanation of the person or event you are telling us about.-One of your tasks for this essay is to find three to six sources which support the main points of your essay. Yes, you may have noticed that these three steps follow the typical pattern of an essay: First comes the introduction with a thesis statement, then comes all of your main points with supporting evidence, and then comes your conclusion.

This is your opportunity to investigate an interesting person, event, or historical trend and tell us more about it. We look forward to learning from you! TOPIC OPTIONS: Topic – Option #1Some historians like to compare cultures, civilizations, and time periods. What was similar? What was different? Did two different histories face the same challenges? Different challenges? Did different histories achieve their goals? Fail to achieve them? Choose two different cultures or civilizations, or two different time periods in the same culture. Then, narrow it down. What would you like to compare about these two different cultures or time periods? This is called narrowing the scope. Don’t try to compare entire civilizations or entire time periods.

Further Description

Instead, pick something within those cultures or time periods that interests you. Compare and contrast those aspects. Tell us about those comparisons and contrasts. Topic-Option #2Historians sometimes like to figure out what motivated a leader at the time of a big decision. The motivations might be immediate – something happens and a leader has to respond, or an opportunity is present and a leader wants to take advantage of it. Other times, motivations are in the personal history of a leader. Something shaped this person’s early life, or the leader holds life-long values which guide decisions.

Perhaps a leader might not even be fully aware of motivations . The cultural or societal forces which guided the person seem almost automatic or too powerful to go against. Review what we have learned together thus far in our studies. Look for a decision that deserves to be explained more. Your job is to inform us about a decision-maker at a particular point in history and the motivations which were brought to bear on that leader at that time. Tell us what happened, but more importantly, tell us why.

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