Host 103 Destinations Report 2022/23 Best

The aim of Host 103 Destinations Report is to compare and contrast two cities of choice per the lists below. You will be comparing the cuisine, tourism highlights, and current challenges faced in the destinations as it pertains to tourism.

Host 103 Destinations Report

Host 103 Destinations Report. The Destinations Report is a compare and contrast essay between two cities of a students’ choice per the lists below. Students will be comparing the cuisine, tourism highlights, and current challenges faced in the destinations as it pertains to tourism. Students will also include data on how many tourists visit the destination and country each year. INSTRUCTIONS: Choose two Destination Cities (1 US and 1 Foreign from the list below) and write a report answering the following questions for each. 1 Introduction of cities/Paper Intro (1 -2 paragraphs suggested) 2 What is the overall history of the destination (2 – 3 paragraphs suggested).

Host 103 Destinations Report

3 Identify how many visitors the destination has in a given year and if tourism is increasing or decreasing for the destination. What type of demographic is visiting the destination? (1 – 2 paragraphs suggested) 4 Identify and describe at minimum three (3) of the popular foods and one (1) popular beverages found within the destination (write about 3 at least). Described how they are made and how this cuisine captures the essence of the history and culture of the destination and region. How is the cuisine from the domestic destination differ from the cuisine of the international destination? (2-4 paragraphs suggested).

Host 103 Destinations Report

5 Name three (3) destination highlights (natural or man-made) and describe why they are unique to that location. (1 – 3 paragraphs suggested) 6 Research and describe at least three current challenges to this tourism destination in bringing in more tourists. Be sure to rely on your knowledge regarding air and surface transportation options, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (inclusion and safety), exchange rates, etc. when evaluating a destination’s current challenges. (1 – 3 paragraphs suggested) 7 Closing Paragraph (1 paragraph suggested) This paper should represent your original work.

Host 103 Destinations Report

Make sure you cite references and quotes used in your paper with the correct format. It is never appropriate to copy written work from another source, whether a web site, student paper or book. Take a look at FAQs in Modules to read about plagiarism and the Writing Center at City Park) You will be graded on content as well as spelling and grammar. Domestic City Options (choose 1) International City Options (choose 1) Portland, OR Minneapolis, MN Charleston, SC Phoenix, AZ Jackson Hole, WY Virginia Beach, VA Lexington, KY Rome, Italy Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Barbados, the Island of Reykjavic, Iceland Johannesburg, South Africa Moscow, Russia Rio de Janero, Brazil Burma/Myanmar.

Host 103 Destinations Report

This paper should represent students’ original work, in business third person writing, with no first person in the paper at all. It is never appropriate to copy written work for another source, whether a web site, student paper or book. Plagiarism is never acceptable. The format for this assignment will use is MLA style, and students must use in-text citations throughout the paper. Each piece of information gathered from outside sources and used must be cited within the paper in the appropriate format. The Works Cited page must also follow MLA style formatting, regardless of what sources were secured for information.

Host 103 Destinations Report

This paper is to be at minimum two pages in length typed, well-formatted, double spaced, with the works cited after the paper on another sheet of paper. Any paper turned in without an appropriate heading (include name, date, semester, year and title) will be subject to a reduction in points. Just because the minimum is set at two pages, most works should extend to a third or even a fourth page. Very few students are able to present all of the content in a creative and insightful manner in just two pages, although some have been able to do so.

Host 103 Destinations Report

Note: the Writing Lab is there to help you and is a valuable resource. Use it. You can submit your paper electronically for review at Works are graded on content as well as spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Graded criteria also includes the thoroughness of answering the questions set forth in the essay, length of paper (or lackthereof), and relevant data.

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