Canada- Housing affordability and core housing need
Housing affordability and core housing need.- Canada
Students will complete a research project that involves some aspect of the Canadian housing market. Data for the project are available from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s “Data and Research Portal,” at their Web site: Topics of interest might include, but are not limited, to the following: • Firstly housing starts, completions, dwellings under construction, as well as market absorption. • Secondly rental market conditions (e.g., vacancy rates, availability rates, rent controls). • Thirdly mortgage loan approvals and mortgage loan insurance. • Consequently interest rates (variable versus fixed mortgage interest rates). • Households served through social housing programs. • In addition spending on social housing programs. • Housing affordability and core housing need. • Housing in the national accounts.
Employment in the housing sector. Elasticity of housing demand (own-price, cross-price, and income elasticity). The user cost of housing. Therefore the objective of the project is to discuss the importance of housing in Canadian economic activity. Also housing conditions in Canada over time. You must select one topic, for example, rental market conditions. Rental availability rates, rental vacancy rates, and average rents in Canada). You may discuss the trends in rental market conditions selecting any number of years, for example, from 1990 to 2016. Note, however, that 3 the more years (data points) you have, the better your report since the interest is in the trend over time. You may compare the rental market conditions for Canada, provinces, and selected metropolitan areas over time.
Further Description
Note, however, that housing is, in general, a local market activity and thus we place emphasis on metropolitan areas, cities, towns, and rural areas. You may draw graphs to show the trends in the rental market. Your report must include the data you used for the analysis in a table as well as a bibliography. You may replicate this process for any other topic discussing the role of housing in Canadian economic activity and housing conditions in Canada. The research project report is not a literature review of housing economics. You must use Canadian housing data for your analysis. Please read “Chapter 3: Housing Markets” ( of the 2014 Canadian Housing Observer for more details on the structure for your research report.
Students must not copy and paste any figures, charts, tables, etc. from CMHC’s website or any other source. Students must use data from CMHC’s website or any other source to create their own tables or draw their own charts, figures, etc. for their report. The report will be 8 pages including tables, charts and figures, 1.5-space, 12-point font in Times New Roman, and must be typed or machine processed. Handwritten reports will not be accepted.
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