IBM Competitors 2022 Best

This paper explores IBM Competitors. The paper will be in standard, academic, APA format addressing the content of that week in accordance with the APA Manual 7th edition for student papers.

IBM Competitors

This week’s chapters should include the following sections: • Cover Page: Include your name, course, professor, date, and page number • Business History: In 200-400 words, provide an overview of the company’s past to the present. • Strategic Features: In 500-800 words describe the following features: o Mission, vision, values o Key stakeholders (at least 3) o Value Propositions to its key stakeholders o Overview of financial performance over the last 3-5 years. Papers: Each week (Wk3-Wk7) you will turn in a word.doc covering that week’s material. The paper will be in standard, academic, APA format addressing the content of that week in accordance with the APA Manual 7th edition for student papers.

IBM Competitors

Your audience is graduate- level and your paper should not be in first-person. Your paper should include all APA features for student papers. In addition, each week’s paper should be 1,000 -1,500 words including all words (title page, references, etc.) Each paper should have at least three QCRs (quotations, citations, references) including at least one from each of the following sources: o Your four textbooks o An article from any of these magazines (HBR, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal) o A peer-reviewed journal article that is no more than five years old (if this is 2020, the date should be at least 2015. 

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