Impact of mental health on health 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing a report on the impact of mental health on health and wellbeing. Guiding questions: What is the impact of poor mental health on overall health and well-being as an adolescent and as an adult? · What role did /does the COVID-19 pandemic play in poor mental health in adolescents?
Impact of mental health on health
The Report (20%) Using published evidence and data discovered on the assessment prepare a report for the school district using the questions below to guide the report. Use evidence found in the literature and your assessment to support your conclusions. Impact of Mental Health on Health and Wellbeing · What is the impact of poor mental health on overall health and well-being as an adolescent and as an adult? · What role did /does the COVID-19 pandemic play in poor mental health in adolescents? Does it affect some populations greater than others Potential Root Causes for Poor Mental Health.
Impact of mental health on health
What are three social determinants for Norristown Borough and for East Norriton that may place the students at risk for poor mental health. Are the social determinants the same for both municipalities? If not, why are they different? Think upstream Risk Factors within the High School · What issues/factors within the school setting may place the students at risk for poor mental health? Vulnerable Populations · What student populations in both municipalities are at risk for health inequities which may increase their risk for poor mental health?
Impact of mental health on health
Key Stakeholders · Who are the potential community stakeholders that may be interested in becoming involved in this project? Challenges to Creating Mental Health Wellness Programming · What resources are already in place to assist students at risk for poor mental health · What challenges will the school nurses/counselors/administrators in the high school face trying to develop mental wellness programming based on the data found on your assessment Potential Interventions · Choose two potential root causes for poor mental health in HS students in this community and LIST a primary, secondary, tertiary intervention for both problems.
Impact of mental health on health
“Back to the Bedside” (10%) Each member of the group should include a PERSONAL reflection on how the information learned in this project will change the care they give “at the bedside” in any setting and any age group. This should be at least one page and will be different for each student. Please include this at the end of your submitted paper. This is worth 10% of the paper, so be mindful and reflective of your response. Summary of Process (5%) Please summarize the process used by the group to demonstrate that all members participated in ALL sections APA Format and Grammar (05%).
Impact of mental health on health
Use APA 7th edition Document Specifics · The paper must be written in APA format. · Any APA questions can be found in the APA blog · There must be in-text citations to support the ideas presented. · Utilize the writing center for help with the paper and/or APA format · This paper is to be typewritten in 10 or 12 Times New Roman or Arial font and double-spaced paper. · Although this is a group paper, it is a single submission meaning the paper must flow as if it was written by one person.
Impact of mental health on health
The paper must be submitted to Ouriginal. Plagiarism will result in a failure for this paper. This includes parts of paper that require citations that are not properly cited. · The paper should be a maximum of 10 pages. · Assignment grade will receive 5 point deduction for each day it is late. · All members of the group must submit the paper into the Canvas (reduction of 5 points if each person does not submit paper into Canvas by due date).
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