Impacts of a health issue 2022 Best
This paper examines the impacts of a Health Issue on a Care Provider. Overview In your Health Care Issue Impacts activity, you investigated where health care issues can have an impact on a provider type.
Impacts of a health issue
WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT – IMPACTS OF A HEALTH ISSUE ON A CARE PROVIDER Week 4 Assignment – Impacts of a Health Issue on a Care Provider. Overview In your Health Care Issue Impacts activity, you investigated where health care issues can have an impact on a provider type. In this assignment, you will take a deeper dive into these areas of impact to consider actions that providers must take to effectively address the issue. Scenario Imagine that you work for a provider who is currently ill-prepared to or unable to serve the population associated with your identified issue.
Impacts of a health issue
A senior leader in your organization has asked you to prepare a brief for management that highlights the 4 biggest areas of impact to consider as they weigh the options of expanded operations to serve this population. Areas you might consider, but are not limited to, are: Policies. Staffing. Safety. Staff Training. Facilities. Compliance or Licensing. Community Stakeholders. Others… Instructions Consider the scenario above and create a 3-4-page brief for the provider’s leadership in which you do the following: Justify the priority of your four chosen areas of significant impact. Why are they the most critical?
Impacts of a health issue
Describe specific items within each impact area that exemplify the changes or actions that may need to be made. Include support from a credible source. For example: If the issue was epidemic or contagion preparedness, areas of concern for facilities might be sanitation, disinfection, quarantine, decontamination, personal protection equipment (PPE), et cetera. Analyze one of the 4 areas of consideration and provide the following: Description of the primary stake holders (both internal and external if applicable – regulatory or government entities should be considered).
Impacts of a health issue
Description of a cultural aspect that should be considered. Recommendation, with justification, for prudent initial management action that should be taken to address the challenge(s) presented. Support assertions with credible sources. Requirements 3-4-pages double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font. Include a title and source page (not included in page count). Cite a minimum of 4 resources to support your work.
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