Concept Analysis – Walker and Avant
Implementation of care coordination in substance use in pregnancy
Walker and Avant Concept analysis step 7-8The final submission of your concept analysis includes: Introduction, Steps 1–6, steps 7–8 include the direct and indirect empirical referents, and conclusion with an operational definition. Your readings in Chinn and Kramer and Walker and Avant will guide you on these steps. The introductory paragraphs should contain elements from Steps 1 and 2, as you are introducing the reader to your concept. Aim for an introduction that is 1–2 pages. The remainder of the paper will include Steps 3–8, with a summary paragraph at the very end. Aim for a total of 15–20 pages, including the title and reference pages. The idea here is to bring all of these separate parts, which have been due throughout the eight weeks, together into one major paper: your concept analysis.
It is critical at this point to incorporate the suggested revisions to your paper (as per your instructor), and your own thoughtful revisions, proofs, and edits. When you finish, you should have a paper you can be proud of—and gain some clarity that relates to your scholarly project topic. Follow the rubric closely. When you are merging the various steps of your concept analysis into your final submission, it will be important to go back and take a close look at your APA format (for example, headings, citations in text, and references). These may change when you view the paper in its entirety. We also encourage you to use Pearson Writer (Links to an external site.) to help minimize writing errors. Similarity Score after submitting your assignment, select Submission Details to view your similarity score. Your similarity score will appear as a percentage next to the file you submit.
Further Description- Concept Analysis
Consequently it may take up to 24 hours for your similarity score to appear. Rubric Final Concept Analysis Submission Rubric Final Concept Analysis Submission Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts. In addition this criterion has links to a Learning Outcome Introduction: Firstly does the student include an introduction to the paper, which includes steps 1-2?. Secondly does the introduction adequately prepare the reader for the analysis?. Thirdly has the student incorporated the previous suggested revisions?. 10 pts this criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Steps 3-6: Does the student include steps 3-6?. Further do these steps build on each other in a logical way and capture the essence of the concept analysis?. Has the student incorporated the previous suggested revisions?. 10 pts this criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Empirical Referents: Finally has the student delineated the empirical referents in a logical and understandable manner?.
If the empirical referents are aligned with the critical attributes, has the student adequately explained his/her reasoning?. 20 pts this criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion. Has the student included a short summary paragraph (no more than ½ pages) which ties the elements of the concept analysis together and provides an operational definition?. 5 pts this criterion has links to a Learning Outcome APA format: Refer to APA book. Some examples include: title page; headings (as applicable). citations in text (as applicable); references (as applicable); quotations. Paper is within suggested pages limits.5 pts this criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar: Does the student follow the rules of grammar (as described in the APA book) with few errors? 5 pts this criterion has links to a Learning Outcome Paragraph Logical Coherence:
Additional Guidelines
Firstly does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence? Secondly do the sentences beyond the topic sentence flow logically from the first sentence? 5 pts this criterion has links to a Learning Outcome Organization: Do the paragraphs build on each other in a logical way, one paragraph building on the next? Are there appropriate transitions between paragraphs? Spelling, editing and proofing are complete? 10 pts this criterion has links to Learning Outcome General formatting: Finally does the paper meet the length and margin requirements? Appropriate style and size of font 12 Times New Roman (including running headings)? Only 1-2 quotes?
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