Individual Guarantees 2023 Best

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the specific contents and concepts of the Individual Guarantees through the development of descriptions, explanations and examples.

Individual Guarantees

A. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the specific contents and concepts of the Individual Guarantees through the development of descriptions, explanations and examples. B. Among the activities that will allow the development of research skills are included: an essay – conclusion, information searches in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and in electronic media, problem solving tasks, discussion activities and group investigations, so that methods will be used to obtain and record information consistent with the research problem, addressing the research problem regarding these Guarantees, effectively.

Individual Guarantees

C. Concepts, events, questions, models and arguments will be analyzed, which will allow synthesizing information to formulate valid and well-founded arguments, in the context of personal Guarantees and Human Rights. D. A variety of media will be used to organize and communicate learning of facts and concepts. The formats used include: written reports, oral presentations, diagrams and online tools, which will cause information and ideas to be communicated in a style appropriate to the public and the topic of Individual Guarantees related to Mexican Criminal law and Tax Law E.

Individual Guarantees

In summary, activities or evaluations with a formative character and content are proposed in the search for competences and/or abilities for the teaching-learning process, for a subsequent summative evaluation that qualifies the accumulation of abilities and knowledge.

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