Infant/toddler practitioner. 2022 Best

Identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement in relations to knowledge and skills you need to have/acquire as an infant/toddler practitioner. 2. Determine one area of improvement of knowledge and skills that you are mostly challenging with as a practitioner

Infant/toddler practitioner.

1. Identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement in relations to knowledge and skills you need to have/acquire as an infant/toddler practitioner. 2. Determine one area of improvement of knowledge and skills that you are mostly challenging with as a practitioner. In order to improve, what knowledge and skills (competencies) do you need to have/accomplish? For example, when I am working with families, I do not necessarily incorporate family’s experiences and cultural background. By looking at competencies, I need to improve on Interactions, Relationships, and Environments (IRE) competency 4. 3. Identify a minimum of two competencies in the area of improvement that you need to develop. 4. Write a goal and two objectives to accomplish your goal to improve.

Infant/toddler practitioner.

5. Create an action plan to increase the opportunity to expand the identified knowledge and skills of an area. In the action plan, include as: 1. Write three areas of strengths and areas of needs of improvement based on competencies. 2. Write one area of knowledge and skills (competencies) that you need to improve on with knowledge and skills 3. Write a goal and two objectives 4. Write step-by-step action steps on how you plan to improve your knowledge in the identified area. Include information from the credible resources and trainings you obtained in the formative assessments. – include an annotated resource list with a rationale for why each resource is appropriate to training for practitioners who work with infants and toddlers and their families.


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