International Affairs – Foreign Policy Analysis

International Affairs Analysis

Purpose: The assignment is designed to allow you to conduct original research through selecting. Interpreting, and appraising a foreign policy relevant issue of your choice (CLO3).  In developing your paper, you will demonstrate your mastery of core theoretical approaches. Empirical realities related to the field of international relations (CLO1, CLO2). Skills: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills and habits of mind. That are essential to your success in this course and to your growth as a global citizen. Articulating a theoretically informed, consistent normative and/or empirical position. Applying disciplinary knowledge to analyze similar, but unfamiliar content Locating and appraising relevant primary and secondary sources. Synthesizing diverse information into a cohesive analysis Knowledge.

This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in the field of international relations: Issues and debates related to different theoretical perspectives of international relations (e.g. realism, liberalism, world-systems, feminism, etc.) Issues of contemporary foreign policy (broadly conceive) and how states and other actors approach and/or respond to issues that relate to. International security, and/or Economic security, and/or Human security Task. Your task is to write an analytical paper of at least 1000 words (recommend word count: 1250; approximately 4-5 double spaced pages) excluding title and reference pages which presents a focused analysis of a case study that illustrates a central security-related theme from our course (Themes introduced in Chapters 5-14).

In Summary

You are free to choose the specific topic(s) of international affairs, case(s), theme(s) and analytical perspective(s) that you will address. However, your paper should present or include consideration of at least the following. An argument structured around a clear and unambiguous theoretical frame of analysis (e.g. realism, liberalism, world systems theory, etc.; review chapters three and four for more information) Identification of one or more conceptually-informed empirical (fact-based) research questions drawing from (at least) one weekly theme of our course (a theme or set of themes introduced in Chapters 5 through 14 of the course textbook). Identification and description of a case that illustrates or provides a landscape for appraisal of the research questions. This could be, for example, diplomatic exchanges between two or more countries, a specific trade agreement (TPP, NAFTA, etc.), a specific conflict, etc

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