International Management Analysis
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Analyse a company of your choice regarding international management issues based on theoretical concepts of multinational firms and show how international business challenges are dealt with in this context.
The analysis should include:
- Literature Review
- The challenges according to Bartlett & Ghoshal and Porter such as competitive, collaborative, organizational, managerial, worldwide learning
- Cultural perspectives can be added as cultural challenges and should include the works of Hofstede or GLOBAL to show a good understanding of cultural issues faced by multinational firms.
- Provide recommendations to address the challenges identified from the aspects of international management functions (finance, production, marketing, human resources, etc.)
- Propose a methodological plan to collect data for addressing the challenges identified.
A report which does not show any kind of referencing or sources will be returned or marked as a fail. All reports must be presented in hard copy typed in 12 font and with one and a half line spacing. Margins should be one inch at the top, bottom, and sides of the page. The main body of the report should not exceed 10,000 words, however it is acceptable to be 10% above or below this word limit (between 9,000 and 11,000 words). These word counts exclude notes, references, appendices, tables/figures/charts, etc.
The first lines of paragraphs, except the first paragraph of the report, should be indented. End notes, references, appendices, tables and figures should be placed at the end of the report. Parentheses should be place around references throughout the body of the report -for instance, either Jones (1997) or (Jones, 1997). NOTE: Please use parentheses (), not brackets [] for the first level of enclosure. If it is appropriate to include page numbers, they should be indicated as Jones (1997, pp. 85-86). End notes, references, appendices, tables, and figures should be placed on separate sheets of paper and put at the end of the report.
The introduction should state clearly the objective of the report as well as the motivation and context of the report. The literature review should be limited to the articles, books and other items that have a direct bearing on the topic being addressed.
A main heading designates the topic of a major section of the report; it should be in bold and centred, with only the first letter of the major words capitalized. Secondary headings should also be centred; they should be in italics, with only the first letter of the major words capitalized. Tertiary headings should appear at the beginning of paragraphs. They should be in bold, followed immediately by a period. A space should separate them from the text that follows.
End notes are called “Notes”. They should be kept to a minimum, and they should never be used in citing references. They all should be placed at the end of the report preceding the references. Substantive comments should be integrated within the text rather than placed in a note.
A list of references or works consulted (alphabetical, by author’s last name, but including first names) should follow the notes at the end of the report. Students should make certain that there is a complete reference for every citation in the text and that the cited dates and the spellings of authors’ names in the text and references are in agreement. The following are examples of proper form:
Journal articles
Cosset, J.-C. & . Suret, J., 1995. Political Risk and the Benefits of International Portfolio Diversification. Journal of International Business Studies, 26(2): 301-18.
Porter, M. E. 1985. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press.
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