Interview someone about their life- Life Story

Interview someone about their life

An Interview. Firstly use this interview to learn about someone near you, older than you are, who has a life-story they may want to share. 2.Secondly some of the paper/stories have come from parents, grandparents, great aunts, and alike. Select the person wisely. 3.Thirdly you must apply a theorist theory to your interview and apply the stages as you are developed questions. For example: use Erik Erikson and his stages of development and apply what you know about each stage to the questions and answers and most importantly to your final assessment, thoughts, and summary.4.Additionaly must have 3-4 sources not using the textbook. 5. Consequently the interview is perfect for over Zoom, video chat, email, and alike.

Face to Face interview is not required. 6. Therefore final document must include the question and answers, the page requirement for the actual application of the theory, and summary/assessment, final thoughts should be 6-10 pages. 7.The paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the theory and theorist you select. very important.   A. Life Chapters   B. Key Scenes in the Life Story 1.High point. 2.Low point. 3.Turning point.4.A positive childhood memory.  5.Negative childhood memory. 6.Vivid adult memory.  7.Wisdom event.  8.Religious, spiritual, or mystical experience.  C. Future Script 1.The next chapter of the interview.  3.Life project.

Further Description

A life project is something that you have been working on and plan to work on in the future chapters of your life story. D. Challenges  1.Life challenge. 2.Health. 3.Loss. 4.Failure,   E. Personal Ideology. 1.Religious/ethical values.  2.Political/social values.  3.Change, 4.Single value. 5.Other.   F. Life Theme  G. Reflection Thank you for this interview. I have just one more question for you. Many of the stories you have told me are about experiences that stand out from the day-to-day. For example, we talked about a high point, a turning point, a scene about your health, etc.

Given that most people don’t share their life stories in this way on a regular basis, I’m wondering if you might reflect for one last moment about what this interview, here today, has been like for you. What were your thoughts and feelings during the interview? How do you think this interview has affected you? Do you have any other comments about the interview process?

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